Silk micellar oil for rejuvenating and eliminating wrinkles

If you want to make the skin supple, smooth and youthful, try an innovative cosmetic product. Silk. This micellar oil will help smooth out wrinkles, restore attractiveness and self-confidence. According to the manufacturer, the drug allows you to rejuvenate the skin for 10-12 years in just one course. Silk rejuvenation oil is produced in bottles with a capacity of 30 ml.

Since the tool is applied a little, this volume should be enough for 10 days. The first positive changes will become noticeable after 3-4 days. And the result obtained after the full course will last for several months.

It is advisable to purchase immediately 2 bottle of oil Silk - for preventive purposes. The product is sold via the Internet, and the order must be placed only on the manufacturer’s official website.

This modern anti-wrinkle medicine has many advantages:

  • Consists of natural ingredients.
  • Gives skin nutrition, improves tissue structure.
  • Helps to get rid of edema.
  • Relieves fatigue, tone the skin.
  • Easy to use, can be used for home procedures.
  • Recommended for all skin types.
  • Suitable for any age (starting from 25 years).
  • It has a delicate floral aroma, and therefore it is very pleasant to apply to the skin.

micellar oil Silk for faceHow does skin aging occur:

  • After 25 years. Starting from this age, less collagen is produced in the body. But the skin condition at this stage does not noticeably worsen. She still remains resilient and attractive.
  • After 35. Collagen deficiency is already affecting appearance. Features are sharpened, cheekbones begin to appear, cheeks seem to be "settled". The skin is depleted, it looks lethargic and flabby, the attractiveness goes away.
  • After 45. Expression wrinkles are clearly indicated, a net of crow's feet appears. Other signs of aging are becoming noticeable - rosacea, capillary pattern, sagging eyelids.
  • After 55. At this stage, the skin is covered with many wrinkles. They occur everywhere - near the eyes, on the cheeks, on the neck. The oval of the face is blurred, a double chin appears. The reflection in the mirror in many women raises one thought - it's time to do plastic surgery.

Fortunately, plastic surgery is no longer the only way out. The problem of aging can be solved in a safe and affordable way for everyone. Silk oil for rejuvenation will help restore freshness, firmness and health to the skin. Use this natural remedy and be attractive always.

Where to buy oil Silk

Original oil is available only on the official website of the manufacturer. Full price Silk is 1979 rubles. But now there is an advantageous offer and the drug can be bought in Russia for only 979 rubles, check the cost in other countries on the site.

For maximum results, at least two bottles of oil should be ordered.

buy silk for face rejuvenation

The composition of the oil for rejuvenation Silk

Silk oil is a completely natural complex consisting of the following components:

  • Milk thistle. This medicinal plant effectively accelerates the regeneration of skin tissues. In addition, milk thistle smoothes wrinkles, helps the skin retain moisture, eliminates traces after acne. Contains fatty acids beneficial to the body, as well as vitamin A.
  • Wheat germ. They contain many valuable components (vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids). They quickly penetrate deep into the skin and affect metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  • Aloe (juice). Provides moisture to the skin, makes it more elastic, has a refreshing and tonic effect. Effectively fights acne and inflammation.
  • Grape seeds They contain plant analogues of the female hormone estrogen (bioflavonoids). Accelerate the synthesis of collagen, responsible for skin elasticity.
  • Mimosa, lavender. They cleanse the skin, eliminate wrinkles, and have a tonic effect.
  • Pink petals. They are able to eliminate various cosmetic defects (stretch marks, black spots, acne). They soothe sensitive skin and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.
  • Burdock (juice). Destroys infections and removes toxins.
  • Amaranth seeds. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, have a beneficial effect on local immunity.

Since in the composition of micellar oil Silk only plants, he has practically no contraindications. It is well suited even for sensitive skin prone to irritation.

How oil works Silk

When applied to the skin, micellar oil Silk It has a pronounced filler effect. Active plant substances fill cell voids and thus begin to work from the inside. Thanks to this, the tissue structure is quickly restored, the skin becomes toned, smooth and fresh.

Literally after 2-3 weeks of application of the oil, the following occurs:

  • The skin of the face, neck, décolleté gains elasticity and ceases to sag.
  • The complexion becomes even, healthy and attractive.
  • Inflammation subsides.
  • Pigmentation disappears, vascular "stars" disappear.
  • Local immunity is normalized.
  • Solves the problem of dry skin.
  • In the morning, bags under the eyes cease to bother.
  • Cell regeneration is accelerated.
  • Facial folds are smoothed out.
  • Facial contour improves.
  • The skin is saturated with oxygen and vitamins.

Each ingredient in the oil not only fulfills its function, but also enhances the action of other components.

Oil Results Silk

Research data

Before release on free sale Silk passed clinical trials involving a large group of volunteers. Almost 900 representatives of different age groups took part in the testing. The course of micellar oil gave the following results:

  • The vast majority of women (80%) have improved skin condition.
  • 67% disappeared expression lines.
  • Every third woman managed to cope with age-related changes (wrinkles, sagging, sagging).

All women who participated in the study were satisfied with the result.

Oil manufacturer Silk claims that anti-aging oil helps:

  • Normalize local metabolism.
  • Improve collagen synthesis.
  • Give your skin an attractive look.
  • Solve the problem of sagging and dry.
  • Tighten the contours and get rid of the second chin.

With Silk micellar oil, you will gain confidence and feel attractive without a thick layer of foundation.

Application rules

A small amount of oil (3 drops) is pipetted onto the skin. Then, with neat massaging movements, distribute it throughout the face.

The duration of one course is 10 days. Moreover, regularity is of great importance. You cannot skip procedures. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to undergo three consecutive courses of oil therapy in a row. Silk.

The opinion of a specialist and preal reviews about Silk

V. Nikolaeva, cosmetologist of the highest category:

Age-related processes, unfortunately, are inevitable. After 25 years, a gradual withering of the skin begins. And for women behind 30, they are becoming more pronounced, so the face, neck and décolleté area require special cosmetic care. Silk is a completely natural drug that does not cause side effects. If it suits you and your skin becomes better, you can use it constantly.

Victoria, 51 year, lawyer:
I completed one full course, now I'm starting the second. The face tightened, freshened. The oil smells nice, quickly absorbed into the skin, making it very soft to the touch.

Natalia, 37 years, administrator:
I have been working in a hotel for several years. Frequent night shifts badly affected the appearance. His face was haggard, there were eternal bags under his eyes. I decided to try Silkand he really helped. The skin has acquired a tone, swelling is gone. Now I don’t look so tired.

Help skin during menopause

With the onset of menopause, women face many physical changes. What effects can you see on the skin? The skin ages faster and this process is very noticeable. But cell aging is a constant process, its first signs become visible after 30 years. These are wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead. But more significant changes appear with the onset of menopause, around the middle of the age of 40 to 50 years. The skin becomes noticeably thinner, drier and less elastic.

Women who smoke or spend too much time in the sun also change their skin color - it no longer shines, but looks gray and dull.

The blood circulation and metabolism in the skin are largely controlled by the female hormones estrogen and progestin. At the age of 40 years, they are produced in smaller quantities, in postmenopausal women the level of estrogen drops to a minimum.

A decrease in estrogen levels affects, among other things, the formation of collagen fibers, and the skin begins to fade and sag.

Estrogen promotes water retention in the skin and in the tissue and the formation of collagen - so the skin remains smooth. A decrease in estrogen is directly related to a decrease in collagen in the connective tissue, which naturally rejuvenates the skin. Collagen in the connective tissue supports the skin and gives it volume from the inside.

It is estimated that during the first five years after entering the period of hormonal changes, the skin loses about one third of collagen. It binds less moisture and fat, as a result, it becomes drier and loses strength.

The skin benefits from a balanced diet of healthy foods and needs to be protected from strong ultraviolet radiation. Biotin, vitamin C and zinc strengthen the skin, accelerate cell division and participate in collagen regeneration. In addition, the intake of bioactive peptides ensures the formation of collagen: the skin remains firm and supple. Moisturizer with antioxidant vitamins A and C cares and maintains beauty.

There is currently a highly effective treatment for wrinkles with hyaluronic acid. It counteracts sagging skin on the face. The action is optimal if collagen is maintained internally and externally.

If you apply cream to your skin CollaMaskcontaining collagenIt leaves a pleasant moisturizing film. But external use is limited by surface. To achieve the penetration of collagen into the deeper layers of the skin, collagen peptides in the form of drinking ampoules were developed.

So collagen quickly enters the bloodstream into the collagen-producing cells in the skin, fibroblasts. Collagen peptides stimulate fibroblasts to restore more endogenous collagen. The skin becomes fresher and the connective tissue is stronger.

How long should collagen peptides be used? It takes time for metabolism to get back on track. Therefore, continuous consumption is recommended for at least three months. According to research, the moisture content of the skin increases by about 22% during this period. Initial success is usually noticeable after four weeks. The skin becomes firm and smoother.

The big advantage is that the effects are manifested not only on the face, but also throughout the body: on the neck, chest, arms and legs. Don't want to age quickly? Take care of yourself and your appearance more.

How effective are other rejuvenation methods?

  • Special massage techniques. This method is quite safe, but does not give a lasting result.
  • Anti-aging gels. In cosmetic stores, they are sold in a huge assortment. They have a pleasant smell, soften and moisturize the face. But anti-aging properties do not actually possess.
  • Beauty injections. They are too expensive and can cause dangerous side reactions.
  • Plastic surgery. Also, the price is not available to everyone. In addition, there is a risk of rejection after surgery.
  • Folk methods. At home, you can prepare lotions from medicinal plants, masks with fruits, propolis, various oils. But the effect of them will be superficial and very short-term, because they are not able to affect the tissues from the inside.

Unique wrinkle complex Silk was developed by leading Russian specialists in the field of cosmetology. The particles included in its composition have the ability to penetrate deep into the skin, starting the natural recovery processes.

Dermatologist Bazilevskaya (Genina) Anna Evgenievna, a certified trainer in laser technology, has more than 13 years of practical experience in the specialty of dermatologist.

Practical experience of the doctor allows her to easily remove warts and perform "facial contouring." Also, having the experience of a cosmetologist, she can correct any age-related changes in her patient and perform a facial rejuvenation surgery.

Anna Evgenievna Bazilevskaya is the author of many feature articles on cosmetology, rejuvenation, treatment of various skin diseases and detoxification of the body.

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