Description of syrup from the fruits of Thai mangosteen for weight loss "Mangosteen Weight Loss ”, why it is made in powder form, but at the same time has such beneficial fat burning properties. How it affects the human body for weight loss, and of course about the composition and properties of the components, as well as the method of its use and dosages.
This review is dedicated to the hero of the "Living Healthy" program named Mangosteen... You are probably wondering: what is mangosteen? This is a thermophilic exotic fruit Mangosteen growing in Thailand, aka Mangoosten Garcinia Mangostana found under the name mangosteen or garcinia, manguslim and even mangkut. It is a very tasty fruit with a wonderful aroma and mild taste. A feature of mangosteen is the content in it of a huge amount of unique substances xanthones that affect the breakdown and elimination of fat from the body, it is from its juice that real syrup is made Mangosteen for quick weight loss.
One can of dry Mangosteen syrup, according to the manufacturer, contains a processed product of 25 fresh fruits, which determines the cost of this product.
The doctor of aesthetic medicine Margarita Koroleva told us in detail about the benefits of this tropical fruit from Thailand in the article of Med-Journal: "The Whole Truth About Mangosteen and How to Kill Overweight", which published real reviews about mangosteen syrup for weight loss from those people who have already experienced its effect on themselves and provided their reports Before and After in the comments.
What does the mangosteen fruit look like and what is its taste and color
The fruit belongs to the Garcinia family, which includes about 400 species of evergreen trees and shrubs. Mangosteen itself is a slowly growing evergreen tree, reaching up to 25 meters in height. The leaves are thick and leathery, while the flowers are fleshy from 4 to 5 cm in diameter.
The flowers are mainly green on the outside and from yellow to red on the inside, with four sepals and 4-petals. Many of the species of the Guittiferae family give edible fruits, however, mangosteen is the most valuable of all tropical fruits.
Outwardly, the fruit is round in shape from 2,5 to 7,5 cm in diameter and weighs from 75 to 150 grams. The peel is smooth, 0,6 to 1 centimeter thick. Appearance pale green when unripe and deep purple when fully ripe. The inner flesh contains 4 to 8 juicy white segments that have a sweet taste and a wonderful aroma. Fruits may or may not contain seeds inside.
Medically speaking, the fruit contains substances that have antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Scientific research shows activity against a number of cancer cell lines, including breast cancer, liver cancer, and leukemia. In addition, the fruit exhibits antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. Traditionally, Mangustin has been used for many years as a medicinal treatment for diarrhea, skin infections, and wound healing throughout South Asia.
Recent scientific studies have shown that it contains a special class of natural polyphenolic compounds known as xanthones, which can have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and thrombosis. It also has vasodilating properties.
The fruit exhibits an inhibitory effect against bacterial organisms, mycobacterium tuberculosis, Staphylococcus aureus. Has potential for cancer chemoprevention, which is dose dependent as well as exposure time. Mangosteen ethanol extract has potent protease inhibitory activity.
The root and leaves help in regulating the menstrual cycle in women and are helpful in treating thrush. Mangosteen syrup is the only natural remedy that is effective in regulating and maintaining blood sugar levels in the body. It also helps prevent or reduce the risk of the following common ailments:
- Allergy;
- Skin aging;
- High blood pressure;
- Cataract;
- Anxiety and flatulence;
- High cholesterol;
- Migraine;
- Depression;
- Chronic ulcer
- Stomach ache.
What is mangosteen syrup Mangosteen
Although mangosteen syrup is called syrup, initially it is an extract, concentrate, white powder intended for the preparation of a liquid substance of blue and even a little purple color, in which, after dissolving at a temperature of 65 degrees, the product is ready for use.
Why so, the answer is quite simple: the fruit, like its derivatives, is not stored for more than 46 hours cooked, and that is why the manufacturer, together with laboratory assistants from the Research Institute of Thailand, found a way to preserve the beneficial properties of this fruit, that is, to prepare the extract in the form of a semi-finished product capable of preserving beneficial properties in the form of crystals. Thus, the crystallized powder, when interacting with a liquid at a temperature of 65 to 75 degrees, turns into a thick syrup and is ready for use.
For a photo of what a fake mangosteen syrup looks like for weight loss, see the end of the article and take note of this information!
Price and where to buy mangosteen syrup
Often our readers ask the question where can you buy mangosteen syrup for weight loss? The product is sold internationally, currently it can be purchased not only in Russia and Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, but even delivery to Romania, Czech Republic and Bulgaria, direct deliveries to all cities Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Ukraine, to place an order, you need to go to the official website of the manufacturer and submit an application, the price of mangosteen syrup Mangosteen indicated on the site for visitors to each of the countries of the world.
You can buy original mangosteen syrup only in the manufacturer's online store, this is due to the savings on the maintenance of a stationary store, because it is not rational to open a network of outlets around the world due to the availability of only one product in the assortment, but you can apply on the manufacturer's website and get it at the nearest post office.
The cost of mangosteen syrup for weight loss is quite acceptable, in the range of 14-15 US dollars, depending on the country and region of delivery. Also, for residents of Russia, there is a special offer within the framework of the Federal Program for the Rehabilitation of the Nation, which allows you to buy mangosteen syrup for 1 ruble when ordering a full course, more on this on the manufacturer's page
An important warning about buying any media when you click on social media ads. A group of unscrupulous persons has been operating there for a long time, advertising and selling counterfeit products for beauty and health, which have zero efficiency, and sometimes even bring harm, read about this at the very end of our review.
Studies of the properties of the mangosteen fetus
Numerous studies on mangosteen syrup have shown a high concentration of xanthones, a class of polyphenolic compounds, in mangosteen. Xanthones have antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiplatelet, antithrombotic and vasodilating effects, prevent oxidative damage to low density lipoproteins, histamine and serotonin receptor blockers and inhibit HIV.
The xanthones and tannins of the mangosteen pericarp protect against insects, fungi, plant viruses, bacteria and animals, while the fruit is still immature. Of the 200 known xanthones, nearly 50 are found in mangosteen. The main xanthones are alpha mangosteen, beta, gamma and methoxy betamangosteen, and the most common is alpha mangosteen. Calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and ascorbic acid are found in mangosteen.
Phenolic compounds in the composition of mangosteen syrup have strong antioxidant activity in the analysis of activity in the absorbing radicals of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl. In one study, the neuroprotective activity of extracts of the fruit body is noted. Similar studies document the antioxidant and ferroreduction activity of mangosteen on weight loss compared to various fruits.
A study of rats with high cholesterol noted a positive effect on plasma lipids and plasma antioxidant activity of mangosteen. Clinical data from an 60-day study with 20 healthy females showed an improvement in age-related changes in skin smoothness with a cream containing 3 antioxidant, including mangosteen, compared with a placebo cream.
Elena Malysheva on the properties of mangosteen: "The mangosteen syrup owes its value to the record content of xanthones." This kind of antioxidants is many times more useful than vitamins of groups C and E. Only 1 mangosteen fruit contains 40 times more of them than an adult Aloe and is very rich in vitamins: A, C, E, D and B. In addition, it contains such flavonoid like catechin. All these components help to strengthen the immune system and are necessary for losing weight in express mode, respectively, the product has no contraindications for use, even during lactation.
The main advantages of syrup Mangosteen from Thai mangosteen are listed as a list:
- The syrup contributes to the correct metabolism, accelerating the digestion process, bringing it to its natural values;
- Perfectly optimizes the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
- Leads to the normalization of hormonal levels;
- Controls appetite, dulling a feeling of unreasonable hunger;
- Cleanses the body of toxins and radionuclides, removes toxins;
- Replenishes the body with vitamins and nutrients, eliminates the deficiency of minerals;
- Strengthens the body's immune system, and also kills microorganisms parasitic to the human body;
- Reduces excess weight by burning fat and removing toxins, eliminates the signs of cellulite and its consequences!
What do they say about mangosteen on TV ?. Dmitry Shubin in the TV show about health "Life is great!" officially declared: "Xanthones contained in mangosteen syrup affect cancer cells, causing their death, has an antibacterial effect." Elena Malysheva emphasized "Mangosteen contributes to the death of causative agents of ulcers and tuberculosis."
The Malysheva diet on mangosteen, however, confirms the advisability of trying this syrup and enjoying the results of weight loss in less than one month!
Watch the video about the benefits of mangosteen in the Live Healthy program on ORT channel later in our review.
This video contains a recording of the Live Healthy program, in which Elena Malysheva and Dmitry Shubin talked about the beneficial properties of mangosteen syrup and its effect on the human body. Due to the high concentration of xanthones needed to improve digestion contained in this exotic fruit, a unique product for safe weight loss is produced from it.
How to take mangosteen syrup for weight loss
Mangosteen syrup is very easy to take, most importantly according to the instructions. For ease of storage and use Mangosteen is produced in freeze-dried form, that is, as instant coffee, which makes it very easy to use. The drug is taken from the calculation before the main meals 2 times a day at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon of syrup per 200 ml of liquid: tea, compote, juice, yogurt and others. In this proportion, the resulting drink should be unclear, with a purple tint and at the same time pleasant to the taste.
Although the tool became available only in 2016, it has already found its recognition among a wide audience in Europe and the CIS, so the mangosteen syrup received very pleasant reviews for the manufacturer. Those who have experienced its effect on themselves declare quite quick results of weight loss in a short time, in about 25 - 30 days.
What does a fake and real mangosteen syrup look like?
And finally, many people are interested in how the box, packaging and powder of mangosteen syrup looks like, that is, appearance. We decided to satisfy your desire and provide a photo of this wonderful product, which is so actively advertised on television and on the Internet in general. The weight of the package of the instant concentrate is 100 grams and is enough for a full course of weight loss, manufactured by LLC Aven, the shelf life of the product is 2 years.
In the photo: a box of mangosteen syrup Mangosteen Weight Loss weighing 100 grams, the composition is indicated on the package in the form of a list of components, as well as the manufacturer's address.
And so, dear readers of Obzoroff magazine, look at the photo what the fake mangosteen syrup looks like, which is sold on different sites with a dubious reputation in a white plastic jar.
Therefore, be careful and if you decide to purchase this or that product, then do not try to find it cheaper than on the official website, because it is logically impossible!
Fake syrup Mangosteen, like other counterfeit goods, do not help weight loss, this is at best, and at worst one has only to guess about the consequences of using such drugs, it is about such products that there are negative reviews.
Fake mangosteen syrup Mangooslim and Manguslim
In order to avoid an unpleasant situation and disappointment, pay attention to these 2 images with the most popular fakes for mangosteen syrup under the brand name Mangooslim, Mangosteen Slim and Manguslim, the packaging of which looks outwardly quite similar to the original product, but does not bring any effect from the application . Yes, unfortunately they are successfully implemented in the CIS countries, especially in Russia, and the number of deceived women who want to lose weight is growing rapidly.
Therefore, be extremely careful and purchase this product exclusively on the official website of the manufacturer! Refrain from attractive price offers offered by annoying ads on social networks, especially the obvious deception of buyers is the fact that they offer 3 + 1 for the price of two cans and the like. Why would a person buy 4 cans if he needs only one, well, maximum 2 packaging for weight loss?
There is only one conclusion: they want to sell the fake to the buyer, involving him in the purchase of an undervalued product or an imaginary gift in the form of additional packaging!
Video review and documentation for the drug Mangosteen
From the video review below, you can find out how the prepared drink looks like, what it tastes and color, as well as what else is included in the package received after ordering real mangosteen syrup on the manufacturer's official website.
The original powdery product for the preparation of "mangosteen syrup" has permission for sale not only in Russia and the CIS countries, this concentrate is supplied to European countries, which indicates the high quality of the product based on the fastidious customs of Europeans.
It is willingly bought in Germany, the Czech Republic, France, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Greece and other countries of the European Union, where Mangosteen passed additional testing for effectiveness and compliance with quality standards, as evidenced by the availability of permits from the manufacturer and its distributors.
Real customer reviews
The photo shows customer reviews and the results Before and After taking mangosteen syrup.
Our readers from Germany, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Poland, France, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia can read this publication in their familiar native language by going to the "International" section, then select the desired country from the list and read the article of interest.
The abundance of a wide geography of countries for the sale of a super drink for quick weight loss once again confirms the quality of the mangosteen fruit product presented on the official website, which implements the sale of the product for weight loss by the express method on a global scale, in the market of all countries of the planet, which once again speaks of the quality of the goods and efficiency on the fat burning process!
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And what is the PRICE?