Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia

Today, in addition to the problem of obesity, there is another, no less dangerous - eating disorders. The most famous of these are anorexia and bulimia, common among teenagers and striving for ideal star proportions. The lack of timely intervention by doctors leads to dire consequences, so it is extremely important to recognize the disease in the early stages.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are a series of behavioral syndromes characterized by eating disorders. The study of such disorders began in 1689 after the diagnosis of anorexia in a young girl by Dr. Morton. He called this disease "nervous consumption." However, research began to be carried out thoroughly only in the 80s of the 20th century. As a result, it was revealed that genetics has a direct influence on the manifestation of anorexia and bulimia. the desire for thinness is inherent at the chromosome level.


The word "anorexia" came into our lexicon from Ancient Greece. Literally translated as "lack of urge to eat." In the medical environment, the term is used for those people who deliberately refuse to eat, their hunger completely disappears. There are several types of anorexia: primary childhood, mental, mental painful, nervous, drug.

Anorexia as a type of eating disorder

The number of patients with this, at first glance, not a dangerous disease is constantly growing. Every year, thousands of girls join the ranks of anorexia victims. The bulk of the sick are girls aged 13-30 years. The first signs of this disease can be seen in one out of a hundred teenage girls.

Causes of Anorexia:

There are a large number of causes of anorexia, the use of herbal infusions and drugs, diuretics and laxatives, and a failure of the digestive tract.

Symptoms characteristic of anorexia:

  • complete lack of appetite, and as a result, sharp weight loss
  • insomnia, depression
  • arrhythmia, muscle pain
  • weakness, feeling of constant cold
  • endocrine disorders


  • fear of obesity, the constant need to lose weight
  • denial of the problem of sudden weight loss
  • deliberate refusal of food to reduce weight
  • the patient constantly considers himself fat and tries to lose weight
  • malnutrition (division of meals, food on the go)
  • after eating, the patient tries to induce vomiting to clear the stomach
  • sportsmanship
  • the patient collects recipes, prepares many dishes and tries to "feed" relatives, refusing to take part in dinners
  • pallor of the skin

Anorexia is a very dangerous disease. If treatment is not started on time, then the person will simply die. Such people themselves will never go to the doctor, they need the help of relatives and friends. Only a qualified doctor can help overcome this disease.

The patient must be treated in a hospital where, in addition to medical procedures, a psychotherapist will visit him. After discharge, you will need to be observed by a therapist for another six months in order to note an increase in weight.

Even if it was possible to cure a patient with anorexia, this does not mean that the disease will not return. A relapse may occur. It is not always possible to cure recurrent anorexia.

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This psychological disorder involves food refusal and significant weight loss. Translated from the ancient Greek, the term "anorexia" means "lack of urge to eat."

The characteristic signs of the disease are:

  • Violation or absence of menstruation in women;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • Disruption of the body.

Anorexia may be accompanied by:

  • Taking laxatives and diuretics;
  • Complete rejection of high-calorie foods;
  • Inducing vomiting;
  • Acceptance of funds aimed at reducing appetite;
  • Long, grueling workouts.

A specialist can diagnose "anorexia" only after a complete examination of the patient. there are other problems that show up in a similar way.


This type of disorder is similar to anorexia, but it proceeds differently. People with bulimia have an excessive appetite that they cannot control. So, a person goes hungry for a while, and then breaks down and attacks food. During an attack, a patient with bulimia is able to eat the entire contents of the refrigerator and cannot stop. After realizing what happened, a person tries to get rid of food, causing vomiting or resorting to medications. Get rid of bulimia will help preparation MBL-5which dulls the feeling of hunger and reduces excess weight.

Eating Disorder Bulimia

It is possible to cure the patient only on condition of getting rid of the provoking factor. The causes of the disease in each case can be different and are divided into 3 large groups:

1. Organic:

  • Genetics;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • lack of nutrients as a result of constant diets;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • diabetes.

2. Социальные:

  • Desire to meet beauty standards;
  • Complexes;
  • Comparison of oneself with someone from the environment;
  • Comments from relatives, friends or unfamiliar people about the figure and excess weight.

3. Psychogenic:

  • Depression;
  • High standards in relation to oneself;
  • Psychological trauma.

It is also important to note that bouts of overeating can be triggered not only by negative events (failures at work or in personal life), but also positive (the beginning of a new romance, career growth). In the first case, food becomes a consolation, and in the second it acts as a reward.

Eating disorders are indeed a serious medical condition that requires treatment. If signs of illness appear, you should immediately contact a specialist, because in this case, the chances of a full recovery are much higher. An important role is played by relatives who must support the patient during the treatment period.

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Dietitian, Kristina Yuryevna Lobanovskaya, a young and already successful nutritionist specialist who, in 4 years of practice, has already managed to help almost 1000 patients solve problems with overweight and underweight.

In his activities, the doctor advises his patients on nutrition. Carries out the development of individual nutrition programs for various diseases. In his career, he uses the use of modern approaches to the treatment of obesity or underweight, and also implements body correction methods based on an individual approach.

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