Treatment of depression: symptoms, causes, methods of struggle

Depression is a disease that can create a lot of problems in a person’s life. It can affect both his emotional and physical condition. The causes of depression can be problems in the family, in personal life and at work. But in some cases, there may be no apparent reason.

Treatment of depression

Symptoms of Depression

With depression, the somatic state of a person worsens. One of the most common manifestations is unstable sleep. Also, a person's appetite disappears, or vice versa, he begins to overeat. There is a rapid overwork of the body at the slightest physical or mental stress. Complaints of pain in the joints, in the region of the back and heart are possible.

As for behavior, a previously sociable and active person can become isolated and lose any interest in communication and the usual joys of life. He becomes distracted, problems appear at work or in school. Inhibited mental processes are noted. There are frequent cases when, in attempts to escape from this condition, a person resorts to frequent use of alcohol or drugs.

Changes in the emotional state: irritability, longing, depression. Self-esteem is reduced, suicidal thoughts and the manifestation of aggression are possible.

Causes of Depression

Psychologically, the causes of depression can be conflicts in the family or at work. As well as the death of someone from loved ones or other incidents surrounded by a person, which contributed to the emergence of stress in his life.

Sometimes depression can be related to other diseases, being only one of their symptoms. Including this may be due to a violation of the imbalance of hormones and neurotransmitters in the human body.

Another reason may be the fast pace of life in which many people strive for an ideal family, stable earnings, external attractiveness and social well-being in general. If a person does not fit into this rhythm, a feeling of powerlessness and helplessness arises in him and ultimately, depression occurs.

Ways to Combat Depression

Ideally, treatment should be with psychotherapy and medication prescribed by a specialist. With the help of psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, etc.), the specialist will attempt to provide proper treatment to the patient. He will help him look at the world with different eyes and teach him how to deal with stress. If the situation requires it, certain drugs will be prescribed and a course of treatment will be prescribed, and their effect on the patient’s well-being will be monitored.

If depression has not turned into a severe form and there is complete confidence that you can do without medications and psychotherapy, then you should approach this problem from the other side. In other words, it is necessary to provide physical assistance to your body, namely:

  • A balanced diet full of vitamins, which will help restore the nervous system and simply charge the body with energy;
  • Walking in the fresh air every day;
  • Refusal of alcohol and drugs;
  • In the event of any diseases, the body spends energy to fight them, including the nervous system, so it is necessary to start treating any diseases on time;
  • Lie down no later than 22: 00 and sleep for at least 9 hours;
  • Moderate physical activity, contributing to the production of endorphins;
  • The ability to relax and drive away unnecessary thoughts, for these purposes, meditation is suitable for some.
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Without neglecting these tips, you can prevent the development of severe depression and even get rid of the existing in an easy stage. In the event that nothing helps and the condition does not change for more than a month, you need to contact a specialist. Using drops RelaxiS To combat stress, depression and insomnia, you can forever forget about these unpleasant ailments!

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Editor in Chief Obzoroff, a professional specialist in the field of medicine, cosmetology and dietetics. Writes and summarizes material written by medical practitioners.

Together with translators, he prepares articles for foreign readers based on materials prepared by the authors of the site with appropriate qualifications.

Project Manager Obzoroff He is a co-author of many articles on health and modern methods of treating common diseases, written together with experienced practitioners, whose biographies are located on the authors page.

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