We get rid of sweating armpits at home

How to get rid of sweating armpits - up to 70-80% of the population are engaged in the search for optimal solutions to this problem. After all, wet spots cause not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. To date, there are many recipes and recommendations on how to reduce underarm sweating - from synthetic pharmacy products to proven recipes for traditional medicine.
hyperhidrosis of the armpits

However, in the beginning it is necessary to find out the causes of such a disorder. Only in this case will the steps taken be effective and efficient.

What causes hyperhidrosis?

Not only external factors, for example, hot weather, but also internal disorders can cause severe sweating in the armpit area. Specialists distinguish the following causes of uncontrolled sweating:
causes of hyperhidrosis

  • failure in the activity of the endocrine system;
  • existing bad habits - abuse of tobacco and alcohol products;
  • the period of intrauterine gestation and lactation in women;
  • severe stressful situations;
  • various malignant neoplasms;
  • tendency to purchase clothes made of artificial materials.

Only after evaluating all the information received from laboratory and instrumental examinations, collecting an anamnesis, does the specialist decide how best to help a person so that armpits do not sweat.

General recommendations and advice

With a suddenly appeared hygienic problem - the armpits sweat heavily, what to do at home, both the attending physician and everyday wisdom will tell you. You can, for example, use the following proven tips:

  • wear underwear and most of the outerwear made from natural fabrics - linen and cotton have excellent hygroscopicity and breathability;
  • carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene - it is necessary to wash not only the armpits themselves, but also the whole body to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria;
  • if even the strongest and most modern deodorant can not cope, with hyperhidrosis it is necessary to regularly wipe the skin with wet wipes, but hypoallergenic and soft, without synthetic fragrances;
  • specialty pads for clothes are already on sale in the cosmetic departments - they absorb excess moisture and can additionally activate a pleasant aroma of perfume;
  • combination of severe stress and excessive moisture in the armpits - treatment should be carried out only by a specialist.

Get rid of an unaesthetic problem correctly. Then, such complications as dermatoses and hydroadenitis will not be scary.

Pharmaceuticals for sweating

Various pharmacy products help reduce sweating and gain control over the activity of sweat glands. For example, Teymurov’s paste has proven itself perfectly. It is quite affordable, effective and tested for many years by people suffering from foot hyperhidrosis. However, it is quite acceptable for use in disorders of the skin in the axillary region. The components contained in its composition possess not only antiseptic and drying, but also deodorizing properties.

No less popular among people with excessive sweating in the armpits is Lassar's paste. It has inherent pronounced anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic properties. This is a highly effective deodorant. For two centuries, Lassara pasta has enjoyed undeniable authority in pharmacies around the world.

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Formaldehyde can suppress the activity of sweat glands. This property of him also found its application in the composition of the drug Formagel. It must be applied on cleansed and dried skin of the armpits. And after 30-40 minutes, gently rinse. Repeat the procedure for 10-12 days. Then you need to take a break in treatment.

A pharmacy like Chlorhexidine can come to the rescue - it is mixed with water and then the skin of the axillary folds is wiped with a ready-made solution. Thanks to the antiseptic effect, an excessive amount of bacteria is eliminated, which produce an unpleasant odor in the course of their life.

In addition to all of the above, you can use salicylic-zinc ointment or purchase hydrogen peroxide from sweating. However, only a specialist should deal with their appointment, because in addition to getting rid of excessive sweating, some patients acquire other skin diseases. For example, medical dermatitis.

Recipes of traditional medicine for hyperhidrosis

From armpit sweating at home, there are many simple, one-component remedies, as well as complex recipes of folk wisdom in composition and ingredients. Not all of them are highly safe, therefore, all methods of dealing with sweat are best coordinated with your doctor.

The simplest, most common methods for stopping sweat gland hyper-activity:

  • the armpits are washed exclusively with laundry soap - it is preliminarily softened and mass wiped on the skin; after drying, a protective crust forms, which prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor and spots;
  • ordinary baking soda has also proven to be an effective assistant in the tendency to excessive sweating - after applying to the skin with the addition of a drop of lemon juice and subsequent drying, it is thoroughly cleaned, dryness is provided for several hours;
  • perspiration can be reduced with potato starch - cut the raw tuber and rub it under the armpits, the turnip juice works similarly;
  • tar soap for hyperhidrosis - for centuries it has been "treating" hyperhidrosis, it is enough to use it regularly and the epidermis returns to its original healthy state.

If all of the above recommendations on how not to sweat under your armpits did not bring significant relief, it is better to conduct a second consultation with a specialist.

Healing teas and decoctions for getting rid of sweat

Folk remedies for sweating armpits are carefully collected and passed on from generation to generation. For example, pharmacy chamomile is a natural natural antiseptic. It is enough to pour 5 tbsp. l plant heads, previously dried and crushed, in 2 l. boiling water, then insist 45-60 minutes in a cool place. After filtering, wash a sweaty person from all sides - or take a bath with a healing broth. Or just moisten the tissue and wipe the problem areas of the body. Chamomile can be added to tea, which people with “wet armpits” should drink regularly, instead of a standard, black or green drink.

Boric acid from hyperhidrosis, mixed in equal amounts with table vinegar, is another long-proven remedy. To make the smell pleasant and not repulsive, it is recommended to add eau de toilette or perfume to such a “lotion”. Then simply wipe the skin with a ready-made solution, like a standard deodorant.

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Some more recipes for folk remedies

  • salvia officinalis, nutmeg or field - pour 20 g in 200 ml of boiling water, after standing for 1 hour in a thermos, the broth is ready for use;
  • 10 grams of hyssop officinalis herb is poured into 300 ml of freshly boiled water, after 45-60 minutes, filter and drink instead of tea before eating.

Of course, getting rid of “wet” spots in the armpit area is forever impossible - this is a physiological process that is incorporated into the human body by mother nature. However, it is quite possible to significantly improve well-being with the help of the above folk recipes.

Essential oils and healing baths: help with hyperhidrosis

How to stop sweating too intensely, with the help of which rubbing it is possible to achieve improvement of the skin condition - all these issues have worried many people over the centuries.

plant oils from hyperhidrosis

Essential oils have proven themselves excellently. Many positive properties are inherent in them - they not only correct the activity of the glands that produce sweat, but also increase the protective properties of the skin and strengthen the nervous system.

So, it is enough to apply and thoroughly rub a drop of tea tree oil in the axillary folds to suppress the activity of pathogens, whose vital activity leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

How to make a detergent not only useful, but also pleasant to smell - it is also possible. Just add a few drops of rosemary oil to a bottle of water and soap concentrate. This product replaces both deodorant and body wash gel.

Oak bark from sweating armpits can be used both by men who lead an active image, and representatives of a beautiful part of the population, who are shy of their “wet” spots on the dress. Decoction of oak bark helps to "close" the sweat glands, reduce their diameter. Due to this, the skin becomes noticeably drier, less sweat is released.

Folk remedies for sweating - and decoctions, and healing baths, and compresses, only for a short time help to cope with copious secretions in the armpits. You can permanently get rid of a cosmetic problem by resorting to complex measures - to revise your diet, wardrobe, work and rest, nerve stress.

It is possible to cope with such a disorder in most cases, if enough effort and perseverance is applied. Compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician, and not the advice of relatives and friends - get rid of the disease correctly. And success with dry armpits will be guaranteed.

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Editor in Chief Obzoroff, a professional specialist in the field of medicine, cosmetology and dietetics. Writes and summarizes material written by medical practitioners.

Together with translators, he prepares articles for foreign readers based on materials prepared by the authors of the site with appropriate qualifications.

Project Manager Obzoroff He is a co-author of many articles on health and modern methods of treating common diseases, written together with experienced practitioners, whose biographies are located on the authors page.

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