Dr. Derm is intended for the treatment of psoriasis without the use of surgical methods, it is carried out by counteracting the accumulation of leukocytes. The drug inhibits the secretion of lysosomal enzymes, inflammatory mediators, promotes elimination of edema and suppression of phagocytosis. With intensive rubbing of Dr. Derm into the skin, it rapidly affects the inflamed area, smoothes the manifestations of the clinical picture, and suppresses these symptoms. Only a minimal amount of the cream is absorbed through the skin into the systemic circulation, in recommended doses for topical application. It is worth saying that the risk of systemic adverse reactions can increase the use of occlusive (hermetic) dressings, as the degree of absorption of the cream increases.
The use of this gel is carried out for dermatological diseases of various origins: dermatitis (allergic, non-allergic solar, contact, atonic, occupational and others), also eczema, psoriasis, dermatosis, skin itching, etc.
Cream "Dr. Derm" is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to betamethasone, HSV, melanoma, open wounds, atheroma (tumor-like formation at the site of the sebaceous gland blockage) and hemangioma (benign tumor, which is formed from the structure of vascular tissue). Prolonged use of the drug or rubbing in submaximal doses is contraindicated in pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding.
The manufacturer's recommended frequency of application of Dr Derm gel is 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. For more thickened areas of the skin (palms, elbows, heels), frequent use of the cream is possible. The duration of the course of using the drug should not exceed 1 month, excluding the cases of applying the cream on the facial areas, the duration of which should not exceed 5 days (otherwise there may be a risk of acne, rosacea, perioral dermatitis).
In pediatrics, a gel for the treatment of psoriasis is used only in exceptional cases, starting from six months of age. The composition of the cream favors the elimination of inflammation and itching of the skin, prevents the further growth of allergic reactions, reduces the lumen of blood vessels, suppresses the likelihood of the release of the liquid part of the blood through the vascular wall into the inflamed tissue. When using the cream on the skin, the components of the Dr. Derm gel have a rapid effect on the inflamed area, eliminate visible signs of inflammation (skin redness, swelling, skin thickening characteristic of rashes, changes in its appearance, etc.), itching, irritation and pain ...
Dr. Derm is recommended for the following diseases and pathologies:
- Atopic eczema;
- Inflammation of the skin of allergic origin at the site of contact with the allergen;
- Multiple eczematous skin lesions;
- Allergic reactions to insect bites;
- Vesicular dermatoses;
- Psoriasis;
- Chronic discoid lupus;
- Red dermatitis;
- Erythema multiforme.
In children, the duration of application of the cream should be as short as possible, the application of the cream under diapers and dressings that fit the skin is contraindicated, otherwise there may be a risk of unwanted adverse reactions. Frequency rate of application of Dr. Derm cream - 2 times a day.
To prevent recurrent diseases or after the disappearance of all objective symptoms, treatment is recommended to continue.
Although the symptoms of psoriasis were described by healers and healers of Ancient Greece and Egypt, the causes of the disease that disfigure the body are still being studied. Chronic pathology, in which the surface of the skin is covered with a continuous layer of red flaky rashes that cause unbearable itching, in addition to physical inconvenience, causes moral damage to a person. People suffering from lichen scaly try to close the inflamed areas from prying eyes, are often unable to find a job, start a family, or build a career.
Skin disease psoriasis appears at any age, affects millions of people, many of whom try to commit suicide. Remission in chronic pathology, which develops when the immune system malfunctions, is constantly replaced by an exacerbation. Conventional ointments made by pharmaceutical companies reduce physical discomfort, slow the spread of papules, block inflammation, but do not correct psoriasis.
Dr. Derm is not sold in the pharmacy, but the way the innovative product works gives hope that scaly lichen will be defeated soon.
Keranocytes, formed from cells in the basal layer of the epidermis, when mature, rise in the cornea, which creates a barrier of lipids, sebum, proteins and prevents water loss.
In a person who suffers from psoriasis, keranocytes multiply at an increased rate, live 5 days, not 28, and die before they mature and rise into the stratum corneum. Fragments of dead cells accumulate on the surface of the epidermis, where papules form. The inflammation goes into the tissues, capturing the glands - sebaceous and sweat, leading to a violation of secretion. The skin is deficient in fat and water, dries up and cracks.
The result after applying Dr. Derm is immediately visible:
- The itching ceases to torment.
- Papules are tightening.
- Peeling takes place.
The innovative product prevents rashes from spreading, accelerates the healing of the inflamed dermis, slows down the maturation of keranocytes, increases the remission period, and reduces the likelihood of an increase in symptoms, which is observed when an exacerbation returns.
The universal cream is suitable for people suffering from simple psoriasis, in which the body is covered with scales of pink, silvery, reddish papules. Pathology manifested in this form does not pose a danger to life, but it causes physical discomfort, negatively affects the emotional state.
The use of the cream "Dr. Derm" shows high efficiency in the treatment of pustular psoriasis. The bubbles that form on the legs and arms fill with exudate. When the blisters burst, germs are sent inward and suppuration begins. When treating problem areas with cream, peeling stops, and discomfort disappears.
With persistent acrodermatitis, Dr. Derm accelerates the tightening of papules, restores the exfoliated nail plates. Dr. Derm from psoriasis relieves patients with pustulosis from abscesses on the palms and soles, which interfere with movement, often burst and grow.
A cream that is suitable for both young people and elderly patients;
- moisturizes the dermis;
- disinfects inflamed areas;
- forms protection against external influences.
When applied to areas disfigured by papules, Dr. Derm ”improves local microflora, enhances immunity. The components that make up the cream trigger metabolic processes that return functions to the joints, which become inflamed in arthropathic psoriasis.
Benefits of Dr. Derm before analogues
When the first signs of scaly lichen appear, non-hormonal external drugs are used, for example Keraderm, which relieves inflammation, dries wet areas, relieves itching, but, unlike Doctor Derm cream, does not moisturize the skin, requires long-term use to heal problem areas. Composition Keraderm sometimes itching, provokes the formation of a rash.
Psorilax, the active substance of which is dichlorodiethyl sulfide, relieves burning sensation, reduces flaking, eliminates redness. When applying the ointment, additional bandages are required. The medicine causes drowsiness, headache. Using Psorilax sometimes exacerbation of symptoms begins. Dr. Derm, the composition of which does not contain synthetic components, acts mildly, can be applied to the skin with open wounds, is not contraindicated in case of impaired renal function, in case of liver problems such as Psorilax.
With an advanced form of pathology, doctors prescribe corticosteroids. When using hormonal ointments:
- Decreases the activity of the immune system;
- The division of keranocytes slows down;
- The spread of papules is reduced.
For example, cream Keraderm, which in psoriasis is applied to a body covered with plaques, no more than 2 months, provokes many side effects in the form of burning sensation, excessive hair growth, and the formation of acne. The drug is used not for prevention, but to eliminate the manifestations of psoriasis.
Dr. Derm does not allow the disease to turn into an acute form, forming a protective layer on the surface of the skin, prevents the destructive effects of sunlight, hypothermia, infections, is not addictive.
Composition and properties of Dr. Derm
Dr. Derm Psoriasis relieves puffiness, dissolves plaques, has an antiseptic effect, and prevents the spread of inflammation. In the production of DrDerm cream, instead of chemicals and synthetic substances, extracts and essential oils of plants are used, which provide a healing effect.
Leaves and stems of callisia, which are rich in flavonoids, trace elements, glycosides:
- stimulate cell metabolism;
- accelerate tissue repair;
- moisturize and nourish the skin;
- relieve irritation.
The aloe extract added to the cream acts like an antioxidant, disinfects the areas covered with rashes, normalizes the pH level. Shea butter relieves joint pain in arthropathic psoriasis, heals papules, restores elasticity to the skin. Strengthens resistance to ultraviolet rays, gassed air, temperature changes, relieves irritation, restores the layers of the dermis affected by papules, fir ointment.
Indications for use
Natural cream is recommended to be used for the prevention and treatment of various forms of psoriasis, including drip, exudative, generalized. For patients suffering from dermatitis, the agent can be used to treat inflamed areas to create a protective barrier to soften the skin.
Contraindications and side effects
How does Dr. Derm on fetal development in pregnant women is unknown because no such studies have been conducted. Without consulting a doctor, expectant mothers should not use the cream. The only contraindication to the use of the product is hypersensitivity to the components that make up the cream. For people who do not tolerate essential oils, plant extracts, the cream can cause irritation on the skin, the appearance of a rash.
Instructions for the use of Dr. Derm cream
Although a natural product is suitable for men and women of any age, it is advised to study the composition indicated on the package before use, where instructions are also written in detail. Dr. Derm is applied to washed and dried skin. A thin layer of cream is gently rubbed in with a hand movement.
In the first week after the start of treatment of problem areas, burning and itching pass, the plaques stop growing in size. In the next 7 days, the reproduction of keranocytes slows down, damaged tissues are restored. To speed up the regeneration of the dermis, it is advised to rub the cream not once, but at least twice a day.
After three weeks, the skin returns to elasticity. If the use of the cream is combined with a diet, sweets, flavor enhancers, and foods containing a large amount of cholesterol are excluded from the diet, a prolonged remission occurs.
With severe symptoms of psoriasis, Dr. Derm cream is applied for up to 6 weeks. The repeated course, which allows to consolidate the result, is started after 3 months.
Opinion of doctors and patients
People who have not used the cream or have purchased a fake on the Internet instead of an effective remedy write about Dr. Derm reviews full of negativity. Doctors do not share the opinion of such patients.
Ibrahim Schonheidt, 45 years old dermatologist:
“Glucocoticosteroids are addictive, provoke skin atrophy, which can develop into a malignant tumor. Natural ointments do not contain hazardous ingredients and should be used in the treatment of psoriasis. I think one of the affordable and effective creams is Dr. Derm, which prevents relapses, eliminates the manifestation of pathology. "
Joana, 45:
“My daughter has been suffering from psoriasis since childhood. Plaques dotted the entire scalp. For a long time we have been using ointments and creams on solid oil, which have a disgusting odor and are difficult to wash. When the girl was 19 years old, she refused such funds. On the advice of a doctor purchased on the website of the company Dr. Derm. After applying the cream for 2 weeks, the papules decreased in size, the skin stopped peeling. "
Miguel, 32 years old:
“As far as I can remember, I suffer from psoriasis. First, rashes on the hands were treated with sulfur ointment, then plaques appeared on the bends of the elbows, covered the chest and back. Hormonal gels removed itching, papules healed, but after a short time even Prednisolone stopped helping. For a month now I have been lubricating the inflamed areas with Dr. Derm and I'm on a diet. The skin does not dry out, it has become elastic, the volume of rashes has decreased, the swelling has subsided. "
Adelina, 28 years old:
“I do not save myself from itching and peeling with hormonal drugs, but apply Dr. Derm cream to problem areas, which is considered the best remedy among those that I bought for psoriasis. Doctor Derm helps to achieve long-term remission, quickly relieves inflammation. "
Where to buy Dr. Derm cream in Europe?
Doctors increasingly recommend to patients who suffer from the manifestations of scaly lichen, not glucocorticosteroids, but herbal preparations. Dr. Derm cannot be bought at the pharmacy, but there is a way out. Although the official supplier does not sell psoriasis cream through online stores, since the number of fakes is amazing, you can still buy the product.
To order a cream, you need to go to the manufacturer's website and fill out an application, where you enter your contact information. The manager contacts the buyer by the specified phone number, which takes up to 15 minutes, after specifying the address, the goods are sent by cash on delivery. New customers can expect a discount. When ordering from the manufacturer of Dr. Derm cream, the price will be 39 euros instead of 78.
Psoriasis is one of the most common and well-known skin diseases. It affects from 1 to 5% of the population of highly developed countries, both women and men equally. The condition is chronic, recurrent and incurable. However, there are treatments that can help relieve symptoms.
Causes, symptoms and types of psoriasis
It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of psoriasis. Genetic, immunological and environmental factors influence the detection of disease symptoms. Please note that this is not contagious. The higher incidence of disease in developed countries suggests that lifestyle and diet influence disease. There are two types of so-called common psoriasis. The first, hereditary, manifests itself with symptoms before the age of 40 (and even in childhood) and is characterized by an earlier onset of the disease in the family. This form of psoriasis is usually more resistant to treatment and recurs more often than the other type. In the second type, the first symptoms appear at the age of 40, and the family history is negative.
Besides genetic factors, many other external factors can cause or worsen the symptoms of this condition. This is, for example, infection with microorganisms - primarily streptococci and staphylococci.
Taking certain medications such as beta-blockers, lithium, amiodarone, antimalarial drugs, progesterone, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
The main symptom of psoriasis vulgaris is skin lesions in the form of rashes, which look like reddish brown spots covered with white-gray scales. In addition, redness, burning, itching, cracking and bleeding of the skin, and pain are common. The changes are caused by a disruption in the regeneration process of the epidermis.
In a healthy person, this process takes about a month, and in patients it is reduced to 4 days. Scales appear because the epidermis builds up too quickly on the skin's surface. Lesions most commonly appear on the knees, elbows, face, back, feet, hands, and toenails and hand nails.
Often, the first place of the appearance of rashes is the scalp (psoriasis of the scalp). Initially, peeling can be mistaken for dandruff. Later, the changes can spread to the entire skin. It should be emphasized that, despite the constant flaking of the skin and the presence of inflammation, the hair does not fall out. Scaly changes on the body are well demarcated from healthy skin. When you try to scratch them, the scales fall off, forming flakes that resemble scratched pieces of a candle (a symptom of a stearic candle).
The second characteristic sign of psoriasis is the Auspitz symptom, which consists in the appearance of blood droplets as a result of damage to the subcutaneous vessels after scraping off the scales. Skin lesions can be single lumpy. Then we are talking about fractional breasts or drip psoriasis. This is the most common form of psoriasis in children and usually occurs 2–3 weeks after a strep throat or tonsil infection. Sometimes the lesions are much more extensive and the lesions coalesce to form maps similar to the continents of the globe (geographic psoriasis).
A specific form of psoriasis is pustular psoriasis, which is significantly different from normal psoriasis. Instead of gray scales, there are purulent pustules (sometimes on the surface of the entire body) with inflammation and dry skin around. This is a severe form of psoriasis, which is difficult to combine with the poor general condition of the patient. Another serious form is Psoriatic Arthritis. It is a rheumatological disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints and adjacent structures. The phalanges, sacroiliac joints, wrists, and ankles are most commonly affected. This causes pain, stiffness, and limited joint movement. In some cases, this can lead to permanent disability.
Psoriatic erythroderma is an equally severe variety. Changes in this case cover the entire body, sometimes even without a single piece of healthy skin, accompanied by constant itching and pain. There are many forms of psoriasis, but nail psoriasis is also worth mentioning. Sometimes it is confused with mycosis due to the symptoms: yellow-brown spots on the nail plate, transverse grooves and plate thickening.
treatment of psoriasis
Due to the genetic condition, psoriasis remains an incurable disease with periods of exacerbation and remission. To relieve the symptoms of the disease, we can use external, general or phototherapy treatments. The first type is sufficient in most patients, the lesion of which affects a small area of the body (up to 25%). This procedure aims to remove the scales and bring the skin lesions into remission. Most often, Dr. Derm, cream Keraderm or salicylic acid or urea lotions, used for up to three days to remove scales. Then drugs are introduced to prevent excessive growth of the epidermis, for example, with cignoline or tar. These drugs are generally poorly rated by patients due to foul odor, stickiness, length of treatment, and staining of clothing. Topical corticosteroids and vitamin D derivatives are much better tolerated.
In the case of topical treatment with Dr. Derm cream, regularity and strict adherence to medical recommendations is key. Topical treatments are used to treat psoriasis of the skin of the body, including the scalp, and usually have a good effect. The nail treatment looks worse where the effects are usually minor. It uses potent topical drugs with corticosteroids and salicylic acid. Indications for general treatment are primarily psoriasis affecting more than 25% of the body surface, resistance to local treatment and poor mental state of the patient. Mostly immunosuppressive drugs are used, but they can have serious side effects. The most frequently chosen medicinal substances:
- Methotrexate - most often with the articular variety and erythrodermic psoriasis;
- Retinoids - normalize the proliferation of epidermal cells and relieve inflammation;
- Cyclosporine, A - immunosuppressive drug, effective in all forms of psoriasis;
- Biologics - for patients with the most severe psoriasis who have not been helped by standard treatment. These are cytokines, monoclonal antibodies or fusion proteins. Drugs of this type can cause a reduction in lesions by 75% and even complete remission of the disease. In addition, they are considered extremely safe;
- Antibiotics - Pills do not directly treat psoriasis. Used in cases where the disease is associated with an infection.
Phototherapy using UVA and UVB radiation is also used as an alternative. Areas of psoriasis are irradiated 2-3 times a week, and symptoms disappear after about twenty treatments. Psychotherapy also has a beneficial effect, especially for people who cannot accept the disease. As you can see, psoriasis is a serious disease that, due to its genetic background, remains incurable. We can only try to alleviate his symptoms, but it is not that easy. After a period of remission, the disease will return sooner or later. The speed of treatment of skin lesions largely depends on the regularity of the treatment of patients. We can have high hopes for more and more biological drugs like Dr. Derm, which are very effective and, moreover, extremely safe.
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