Cream Zdorov for the treatment of psoriasis - description, composition, instructions

A review of Zdorov's propolis cream for the treatment of psoriasis and the prevention of its manifestation will tell you about the effectiveness of this remedy, its composition and indications for use, as well as provide instructions for using the balm, reviews of doctors and customers about the effectiveness of the drug. The action of the balm "Zdorov" from psoriasis is aimed at quickly eliminating the manifestations of the disease and establishing a stable remission. 100% natural composition ensures good tolerance and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

This is a universal remedy for psoriasis, which stands out noticeably against the background of analogues, the cream instantly relieves itching, swelling and pain, promotes the rapid recovery of affected tissues and prevents the appearance of new foci of the disease.

After two or three applications, the skin looks healthier: the tone increases, the structure is leveled, dryness and flaking disappear. The antipsoriasis cream copes well with both the advanced form of psoriasis and the first manifestations of the disease. In addition, it can be used prophylactically to prevent the development of the disease.

There are a lot of positive reviews about the effectiveness of the creams of the Zdorov brand, for example, what Elena Malysheva says about the treatment of psoriasis with this cream in the program Live Healthy.

photo cream is healthy for the treatment of psoriasis

Where to buy Zdorovye cream and the price of the product

The cost of 1200 rubles for residents of Russia, the price of a cream for the treatment of psoriasis in other countries is indicated on the manufacturer’s website, in addition, it can be bought during seasonal sales with a discount of up to 50-60%. You can order the Zdorov cream on the website of the official representative. Payment is made upon receipt of the goods.

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Unique properties of the cream Healthy from psoriasis

Cream "Healthy" can be considered a unique product in its segment. The balanced composition of the product, based on exclusively natural components, provides an integrated approach to the treatment of psoriasis.

The principle of the cream for the treatment of psoriasis: the components of the cream penetrate the very focus of the disease, block the growth of pathological cells, normalize metabolic processes and restore the integrity of the skin.

Consistent use of the cream allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Pain, itching, inflammation and peeling disappear.
  • Blood circulation is normalized, swelling disappears.
  • Rapid regeneration of damaged tissue occurs.
  • The skin is cleansed of psoriatic plaques, acquires a normal color and structure.
  • The activity of unhealthy cells decreases.
  • New foci of psoriasis are blocked.
  • The skin becomes soft, moisturized, elastic.

The Zdorov cream is a new generation product that has already earned a large number of consumer approvals. The main advantages of the drug that distinguish it from analogues intended for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • The cream is easy to use at home, it has a pleasant texture and is economically consumed.
  • Relief is observed after the first application.
  • The positive effect of the cream increases from application to application, leading to a lasting result.
  • The completely natural composition does not adversely affect the body.

An advantage is the fact that the price of the cream is relatively low compared to other psoriasis drugs.

Composition and description of the cream Healthy from psoriasis

The basis of the cream from psoriasis of the Zdorov brand is bee products, which, in combination with extracts from medicinal plants, have a powerful therapeutic effect on the affected areas of the skin, leading to complete tissue regeneration.

  • Beeswax has an antiseptic and bacteriostatic effect, perfectly softens and nourishes rough skin. The shelf life of beeswax is unlimited.
  • Bee venom is a natural pain reliever and local irritant that contains a unique complex of enzymes, minerals and inorganic acids.
  • Propolis extract has bactericidal properties that are comparable in their action to a potent antibiotic. Relieves inflammation, cleanses and disinfects damaged skin. Accelerates cellular metabolism, activates local immunity.
  • The bee dead extract stimulates blood circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and removes toxins from the body.
  • The bee moth extract "Wax Moth" accelerates tissue healing, has immunostimulating properties, activates cell metabolism, and promotes the resorption of scars.
  • Horse chestnut extract is a plant venotonic: reduces the fragility of blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity, counteracts the formation of blood clots, and accelerates metabolic processes in cells.
  • Cedar gum is nothing more than a powerful plant antiseptic that has an analgesic effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and activates blood circulation.
  • Olive oil perfectly cleanses, softens and nourishes the skin, prevents it from flaking. Has a high UV filter and has an intense anti-aging effect.composition of wax cream for psoriasis
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All components of Zdorov healthy cream from psoriasis not only combine well, but also have a synergistic effect (enhance the therapeutic properties of each other). This maximizes the effect of the application without the use of additional funds.

Instructions for using cream for psoriasis

The Healthy tool comes with an accompanying instruction that contains detailed information about the application. The use of the cream does not imply any special equipment or auxiliary means.

A thin layer of cream should be applied in circular motions, rubbing slightly into the affected area. For preventive purposes, the cream is applied to areas that are most often susceptible to this skin disease.

You can cover the treated area with a gauze bandage to prevent premature drying. Processing is carried out twice a day for three weeks.

Contraindications and precautions

Cream "Healthy" is usually well tolerated. In isolated cases, an individual reaction to some component means is possible.

With an existing allergy to bee products, the cream can not be used. Do not use the product at body temperatures above 38 degrees. After treating the affected areas, you should refrain from taking a hot bath for 2 hours.

Balneo and mud therapy together with cream Zdorov

With any form of psoriasis, balneotherapy and mud therapy are indicated, moreover, it is the most effective method for both treating and preventing this disease. Scientists have proved that this disease has a close relationship with heredity, therefore, in order to avoid its sudden manifestation under the influence of irritating factors, it is necessary to resort to preventive measures from time to time. Balneotherapy is under the supervision of doctors and specialists of the medical center. A positive effect on the patient's health is also exerted by a calm atmosphere in the center, proper nutrition, and the receipt of positive emotions from outdoor recreation. Improving the general condition of the patient, coupled with an effective effect on the foci of the disease by the method of mud balneotherapy plus a course with the Zdorov series psoriasis drug for a short period of time leads to amazing results!

At risk are people:

  • Relatives of whom suffered from this disease;
  • People who often find themselves in stressful situations, especially prone to emotional perception;
  • Having chronic diseases, weakened immunity;
  • People with dry skin type, as well as those who have recently received any injury to the skin: burn, tattooing, tattooing.

Psoriasis is predominantly a skin disease, the cause of which has not yet been precisely determined. There are many types of psoriasis - experts identify ten. Meanwhile, even if the causes of the disease, and therefore the methods of its treatment, are not fully determined, it is impossible to leave psoriasis without treatment in any case.

Get rid from psoriasis completely at the moment it is more than possible, but the easiest way is to increase the duration of remission to decades, with which cream-wax Healthy from psoriasis can quite cope! Its use with balneo mud therapy is the most effective method.

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Mud treatment in any boarding house should be under the supervision of a doctor, because like any other medical procedure, it has its contraindications.

What affects the development of psoriasis

  • Genetics. There is a theory that some cellular organisms carry a source of psoriasis. Therefore, this type of disease can be transmitted by genetics. So in adults who suffer from this disease, a large percentage of the appearance of a child with psoriasis or children for whom these signs will later manifest. It is impossible to say for sure at an early or very mature age, but the sooner such a disease manifests itself, the easier it can be cured, since an adult body does not have such an excellent regenerating effect as a child.
  • Fine skin structure. Most often, this disease affects people with dry skin. Since the thinness of the skin is significantly different from those who have oily skin type. This is due to the amount of sebum excreted and microbes entering the face. The more it stands out, the less likely it is to get sick.
  • External factors. People who may be in contact with chemicals, if this happens every day. They can also suffer from psoriasis, most often this factor is a common cause of the disease. Chemicals may include: creams, soaps, cosmetics, facial cleansers, and so on.
  • Excessive hygiene. When using chemical products and moisturizing more than three times a day, it can lead to flushing of the natural protection of the skin. What further leads to the disease.
  • Bad habits. These include: alcoholism, smoking, drugs. The use of such types of substances leads to the progression of the disease, has a bad effect on the skin, and also worsens its blood supply.
  • HIV disease. People with this disease are more than prone to psoriasis.
  • Medications. With increased drug use or their misuse, this disease can progress quickly.
  • Infection. If a person has an infection of a fungal infection of a goat, then during its progression or at the end of it, psoriasis may occur.
  • Changing of the living place. Frequent moving, increasing environmental pollution all this leads to this disease.
  • Stress. Frequent nervous changes, physical and mental stress, become good sources of psoriasis.
  • Damage. Frequent wounds, such as cuts or erasing goats, most often result in the ingress and proliferation of microbes, and subsequently the first signs of psoriasis.
  • Allergy. It all depends on the structure of the human body, psoriasis can also occur either as allergic signs or act as a lesion after an allergy.

Timely application of Zdorovye cream in the treatment of psoriasis will help prevent discomfort and aggravation of the development of this disease.

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Dermatologist Bazilevskaya (Genina) Anna Evgenievna, a certified trainer in laser technology, has more than 13 years of practical experience in the specialty of dermatologist.

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