Friocard capsules are a unique solution in the fight against hypertension and heart failure. The unique composition of the drug, developed on the basis of natural ingredients, is a complex of active substances that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The absence of synthetic components helps to avoid hypoxia and cell lysis, which are inevitable in their presence.
Friocard tablets are distinguished by an extended spectrum of action, because the drug is used to normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the drug is especially recommended for people suffering from hypertension as a preventive measure against the possible occurrence of heart disease. It has been clinically proven to be effective, quality meets current international standards, and can be ordered online from anywhere in the world.
The components that make up the Friocard medication are plant-based, reduce blood pressure to normal levels and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, veins and arteries. This information is confirmed by feedback from users of forums and social networks. When taking the medication, the heart rate is normalized, as a result of which the risk of heart attacks is reduced.
As the doctors explain, the remedy works in a complex manner. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, relieves nervous tension, relieves insomnia, improves brain activity and allows you to resume physical activity. Continuous but moderate exposure to hormone source cells in the kidneys and adrenal glands restores balance and keeps the tonometer readings normal for a long time. Unlike analogues, the action of Friocard is aimed at eliminating not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the disease.
The antihypertensive effect of the drug is due to the following properties:
- Restoration of hormonal imbalance;
- Mild diuretic effect;
- Regulation of tone and strengthening of the walls of blood vessels;
- Antioxidant effect on cells;
- Improving immune status;
- Supplying cells with oxygen, protection against hypoxia.
The drug is intended for complex therapy lasting from 1 to 2 months. Friocard tablets help:
- Reduce and regulate systolic and diastolic pressure;
- Restore the work of the heart and blood vessels;
- Strengthen the blood supply to organs;
- Prevent the development of heart and kidney failure;
- Get rid of edema;
- Facilitate the work of joints, relieve tension from the muscles of the limbs;
- Eliminate erection problems caused by hypertension;
- Maintain well-being throughout the day.
A small amount of excess fluid is excreted through the intestines. This helps to protect the kidneys from unnecessary stress and prevent the development of new edema. The medicine is absorbed gradually, over an hour, due to which there are no sudden changes in blood pressure, nausea and dizziness. Improvement in health can be seen within 20-30 minutes after swallowing the pill.
Friocard must be consumed for a month with meals. It helps:
- keep blood pressure at an optimal level;
- remove ringing in the head, as it strengthens blood vessels and protects from damage;
- remove excess fluid and harmful waste products from the body, which prevents the formation of edema;
- saturate the muscle tissue of the organ that provides blood flow with the necessary elements for smooth operation;
- eliminate nervous excitement and stress, since natural ingredients have a calming effect on the central nervous system;
- regulate sleep and wakefulness, increase brain activity due to improved blood circulation.
For best results, the therapy can be repeated after 6 months.
Advantages that distinguish Friocard tablets from other medicines
To lower blood pressure and prevent pathologies of the circulatory system, a variety of drugs have been created: conventional synthetic and modern, based on plant extracts, Friocard analogues.
Some of the most popular pills and medications that lower blood pressure include:
- Cardiol, a drug that reduces total peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure without causing sedation and dry mouth. But it has a specific composition, so side effects, such as itching and nausea, may occur. And the described drug is made from natural ingredients and does not harm the general state of health;
- Capsules Cardiline , the pharmacological properties of which can be studied on the Internet at the site In the treatment of hypertension with capsules Cardiline , sharp fluctuations in the level of blood pressure stop, the vessels are cleared. Friocard versus Cardiline has a wide spectrum of action due to the addition of new natural substances to the composition. Therefore, this pharmaceutical product is suitable for people with various pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
- DeTonic has established itself as a drug without restrictions on use and side reactions, as it differs in mildly acting components, and more active natural substances are added to the Friocard drug described in this review, which makes the positive treatment result much faster.
Composition and properties of the drug for the treatment of heart disease
The remedy contains a large amount of beneficial vitamins and plant substances necessary for the normal functioning of the atria and ventricles of the heart and maintaining good health.
Friocard has a completely natural composition. The plants, the extracts of which were used to create it, grow in ecologically clean places. For the most part, these are herbs, the healing properties of which have been known since ancient times. Together they act as a vasodilator, strengthen the walls of veins and arteries, break down blood clots and relieve nervousness.
B vitamins also play an important role. They help the body produce red blood cells to renew blood and flush out excess fluid. Due to the supply of vitamins, the myocardium of the organ that sets the blood in motion begins to contract at normal intervals, is provided with a sufficient amount of blood, which reduces the risk of necrosis of muscle tissue.
The components of the drug improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure. You can familiarize yourself with the list of these useful substances in detail on the box with pills, which contains a description of its constituent elements.
Clinical trials and specific benefits of Friocard
The emergence of any drug is preceded by clinical trials, which are conducted to prove the effectiveness and safety of new medical products. Friocard also undergoes long and complex testing in several stages.
One of the important stages of examination is laboratory research. The test is carried out on new modern equipment and consists of assessing the appearance of medicinal products, determining the content of ingredients and checking the consistency of their properties and compliance with the requirements for the production process.
To test the effects of a remedy, scientists also test the drug directly on various diseases. Based on the results of the examination, medicinal products undergo further improvement and continue to participate in clinical trials until convincing data on efficacy and safety in relation to the target audience of patients are obtained.
Clinically tested Friocard offers maximum benefits. It has a convenient form of use, optimal solubility indicators for assimilation by the body, mildly acting and, at the same time, a sufficiently strong medicinal formula. The necessary components are added to these tablets in such doses to eliminate not only the disease, but also the pathologies that provoked its occurrence.
Recommendations for the use of capsules
Doctors prescribe Friocard capsules to patients who have the following health problems:
- blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. Art .;
- the presence of risk factors, such as diabetes mellitus;
- heart failure;
- thrombosis of veins and arteries;
- transferred myocardial infarction;
- angina pectoris;
- neurocircular dystonia.
It is also recommended to take it for recovery after surgery on arteries and veins and for prophylaxis in old age, in order to avoid the occurrence of pathologies.
It is contraindicated to use the medication when:
- individual intolerance to the elements of the drug;
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding;
- taking neuroleptics and tranquilizers.
Patients over 65 years of age should consult a healthcare professional about the duration of therapy.
By adhering to these recommendations and strictly observing the instructions, you will avoid the occurrence of any adverse reactions. Excessive intake can cause disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, such as vomiting and frequent bowel movements.
Instructions for use and dosage of capsules
During therapeutic therapy, the time interval specified in the Friocard instructions should be strictly observed, since the medication lasts for a certain number of hours.
Drink plenty of water with the tablets. It must be warm. It is impossible to use medicines with tea and juice: these substances can form insoluble compounds with the elements of the drug.
It is important to take the drug at the same time every day. Therefore, it is advisable to draw up a schedule for taking the pills in a notebook so as not to forget about the treatment procedure.
Friocard capsules are taken orally with clean water. In exceptional cases, the drug can be drunk before or after meals. But for better absorption, as a prevention of orthostatic hypotension, it is better to do this during breakfast, lunch or dinner.
The maximum dosage of Friocard at a time is 50 mg. Elderly people (over 50 years old) are prescribed no more than 1-2 capsules per day. Instructions for using the drug (dosage) for pathologies are as follows:
- Arterial hypertension - 12,5 mg (2 capsules of 6,25 mg), taken once in the first 2 days of illness. Then the dose is gradually increased, and for two weeks in a row is 25 mg, when taken once a day.
- Angina pectoris - 2 capsules should be taken at the same time only 1 time. Repeat this scheme for two days in a row. Then you will need to drink two pieces during the day, 2 times, according to the scheme established by the doctor.
- Chronic heart failure - ½ capsule 6,25 mg 2 times a day for two weeks. Then the dose is increased - they drink 1 capsule in the morning and in the evening until the end of the therapeutic regimen.
The weight of the patient greatly influences the appointment of the required dosage. For example, with a body weight of up to 85 kg, the maximum dose of the drug will be 25-50 (mg). With a weight greater than 85 kg, the dose for the patient should be 50-75 (mg). An interrupted course, for any reason, is restored from 1 capsule.
The increase or decrease in the dose of the drug is controlled by the doctor. What matters is the good tolerance of Friocard by the patient, the absence of side effects and individual intolerance, the effectiveness and positive dynamics of the current therapy. The drug is not recommended to be combined with alcoholic beverages.
You should be very careful about elderly patients who, with hypertension, are prescribed a dose of two capsules, with a gradual increase in dosage to 25 (mg), as well as patients with diabetes mellitus.
Friocard interacts positively with such drugs:
- Nitroglycerine;
- Digoxin, but under the control of blood clotting;
- Cyclosporine;
- Insulin;
- Klonedin.
The drug is partially contraindicated in therapy with such medications:
- Verapamil, Diltiazem and a number of antiarrhythmic drugs;
- Epinephrine, Dopamine, Norepinephrine and other neurotransmitters;
- Phenobarbital and Rifampicin;
- substances of a number of anesthetics;
- hypoglycemic drugs.
The use of Friocard when the patient has an “artificial pacemaker” is allowed only under the supervision of a physician.
Reviews of buyers and doctors about Friocard
Before buying a medicine, it is customary to study the opinions of those who have already experienced its effect. At Friocard, customer reviews can be found on forums on the internet. They write about the drug, describing in detail how it affected health.
Usually buyers indicate the following positive characteristics:
- the use of capsules is not accompanied by a headache;
- “pounding in the ears” disappears;
- the pulse calms down;
- pressure returns to normal;
- the state of health improves;
- sleep is normalized;
- physical activity resumes.
Negative reviews are rare. In most cases, they are written by buyers who bought the drug on an unverified website or social media, and the drug turned out to be fake.
Only those who did not take the pills according to the instructions, exceeding the permissible dose, tell about such consequences of the use of drugs as diarrhea and other digestive disorders.
Presenting the description of the medicinal product, the editors of the medical journal Obzoroff introduces its readers to reviews written by consumers on forums dedicated to the topic of treatment for diseases and in social media groups. The content of the statements and the author's punctuation are left unchanged:
Adelina, 50 years old, Milan:
“I bought Friocard for my mother who is 84 years old. In the past few weeks, she has been feeling worse than usual. Blood pressure almost did not subside, kept at 220/180. Mom could not even get out of bed, they fed her from a spoon. Tablets (Moxinidin, Captopril) had to be given almost every 2-3 hours. They called an ambulance, but they said that it was old age, and there was little that would help. I found the drug on the Internet, began to give it to my mother in addition to the main therapy. It's good that it's herbal. After 2-3 days I noticed improvements. Mom began to sit in bed, an appetite appeared. She stopped complaining about the noise in her head. The pressure was reduced to the optimal value for my mother - 140/80. "
Ulyana, 39 years old, Perm:
“I have a hectic job as a kindergarten teacher, so I need to keep track of all the children and be able to communicate with their parents. Perhaps, against this background, health problems appeared. At times, blood pressure began to rise, sometimes tingling in the left side of the chest. I went to the doctor. In addition to traditional medications, Friocard was recommended. I take a pill once a day, the stress is gone, I sleep soundly, my blood pressure is normal. "
Peter, 45 years old, Manchester:
“I recently underwent heart surgery, the doctor said that now the work of the heart will have to be constantly maintained. For prophylaxis I use Friocard, I regularly check up at the hospital. They said that tissues regenerate. I continue to be treated, I take it once a day. Despite the operation, I am quite active mentally and physically - I compose poetry and go to matches to cheer for my favorite football team. "
Tilda, 55 years old, Hamburg:
“I have given up many other treatments in favor of Friocard. After taking synthetic drugs for the treatment of hypertension, an unpleasant aftertaste of bitterness remains on the tongue, which made me even nauseous and thirsty. And the therapy regimen is often inconvenient, sometimes she forgot that it was time to take the medicine. The new medication I tested helps to "come to my senses" in half an hour, and I do not waste precious time inactive because of a headache, as it happened before. "
The doctor's review is useful for comparing Friocard capsules with a wide range of medicines to study the pharmacological properties of the drug. As you know, experts write objectively and informatively.
Anna Neumann is a cardiologist from Berlin:
“In combination with other drugs, especially of herbal origin, the drugs work better. Therefore, for angina pectoris, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, Friocard works well with traditional drugs. The medicine brings excellent results as a prevention of hypertension and heart pathologies. The drug can be taken over a long period, at intervals of six months. The pain in the heart ceases to bother, the pulse and blood pressure are always stable. The therapy must be continued to the end, even if the state of health became normal after a few days. The pills are needed just so that the pressure no longer increases, in order to avoid a hypertensive crisis and damage to the organs of the cardiovascular system. "
How to order Friocard capsules online
If you want to try Friocard, then it is better to buy it on the official website of the manufacturer by ordering delivery to the place of residence by courier or postal mail. This is the most reliable way to get the original drug by bypassing the sellers who sell counterfeit goods.
Natural medicine has gained increased consumer demand. This provoked an increase in the number of counterfeits. Therefore, the supplier has created its own online platform where you can place an order.
The delivery time of the drug is from 2 days to one week. The price of Friocard, which improves blood circulation, on the manufacturer's website ranges from 39-42 euros. The indicated cost of the medicine is a special offer from the manufacturer. Medical products are sold with a discount of over 49%, which is valid only for new customers.
The official supplier does not cooperate with pharmacies and online stores, as pharmaceutical chains and intermediaries tend to significantly raise the price of medicines.
It is very easy to order Friocard online. To get this drug you need:
- Visit the manufacturer's website.
- Make a short application, indicating your contact details.
After this "one minute business", in about 15 minutes the customer will receive a call from the manager. He will inform the buyer about the nuances of the order and ask where to deliver the drug for the treatment of hypertension and heart disease. For new customers, the supplier sets a 50% discount on the cost of the goods.
On the site offering a medication from an official manufacturer, there are always promotions. In the season of great deals, buyers can place an order for a medication to lower blood pressure, saving “family budget”.
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