Dojan stick to narrow the vagina and reduce the walls

The Doyan stick, which provides the effect of narrowing the vagina, gives a very strong and bright orgasm for both partners. The wand makes the vagina more elastic, narrow due to muscle contraction.

Each country has its own secrets unique to them. And South Korea is no exception. One surprisingly grass grows in this country - the “root of the grass of Mount Medula”, which is the main component of a unique remedy for narrowing the vagina. This component is part of the cream. Virgin Star and without exaggeration, it is considered a cult in the country due to the tremendous effectiveness of its action on women. The wand is particularly popular among married women who do not get an orgasm due to weakened vaginal muscles, as well as giving birth to women. Koreans call this product "female Viagra." The stick is produced in the form of a small cigar and includes the extract of the famous herb processed through the use of modern solutions. As a result of the tests, it was revealed that the desired effect of narrowing the vagina occurs within 30 seconds after inserting the stick into the vagina. In addition, it was proved that the pressure of the inner walls of the vagina 18 mg / sq. Dm after using the unique composition and effect of Doyan increases to 60 mg / sq. Dm.

Doyan stick to narrow the vagina

One of the main reasons for the weakening of the muscles of the vagina can be considered childbirth. The more children the woman gave birth to, the stronger the stretching of the muscles of the vagina and, accordingly, the weaker the vagina. In addition, there are other factors leading to this result.

Man, unlike most animals, makes love for pleasure, and not just for the purpose of procreation. In many ways, it is regular and bright sex that determines the good emotional state of people, their desire to enjoy life. One of the most common diseases of women in the field of psychology today is frigidity, which means the impossibility of obtaining an orgasm.

This disease develops most often in the period after childbirth, when the muscles of the vagina are sufficiently stretched and they do not shrink during sex. This becomes the cause of dissatisfaction of partners and, as a result, the deterioration of the psychological state up to a break in relations. For many years, scientists have been trying to solve this problem, and the result of their attempts was the invention of a large number of devices designed to ensure that partners get real pleasure from love pleasures. One of such devices is the Dojan's wand, which is capable of:

  • to reduce the muscles of the vagina;
  • eliminate the cause of the smell and the occurrence of various infections;
  • restore the uterus after childbirth;
  • to exclude the development of many diseases;
  • activates various metabolic processes;
  • eliminates the possibility of so-called cross-infection.

Price and where to buy Doian?

It’s very difficult to buy a real Doyan stick in a regular pharmacy. It is recommended to buy the product in the official online store, where they are sold at a price of about 1200 rubles. Do not count on a cheaper tool, because in this case the buyer will be offered a fake. It is hardly necessary to save on pleasure, and the desire to do this can lead to negative consequences for the body.

Today, a variety of products are offered that, according to sellers and manufacturers, effectively narrow the vagina. Among such offers are many worthy options. But as practice shows, women after using the Doyan device choose this option.

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When approving the use of the Doyan product from a gynecologist, it is recommended to purchase this particular product. On the official website for sales of funds, various promotions are constantly held offering significant discounts. The price of "female Viagra" does not carry a large financial burden, and in different countries a stick for narrowing the vagina can be purchased at the following prices:

  • RF - 1290 rubles;
  • Kazakhstan - 10 tenge;
  • Ukraine - 496 hryvnia.

Buy Doian Chka for the vagina

Signs of vaginal muscle strain

Dojan stick is recommended for use in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • the need to use objects of large diameter for pleasure and satisfaction;
  • lack of sensation of vaginal contraction during sexual arousal;
  • inability to squeeze the index finger by the muscles of the vagina;
  • difficulty reaching orgasm;
  • inability to satisfy partner.

The use of sticks makes it possible:

  • eliminate the feeling of discomfort during sex due to weakness of the walls of the vagina;
  • activation of vaginal muscle contraction;
  • elimination of the negative consequences of childbirth;
  • exclusion of the likelihood of developing certain diseases.

Principle of action Doian Chka

After using Doyan, the walls of the vagina contract for 30 seconds. The vagina becomes narrow, and this effect forms a high-quality orgasm of partners. In addition, the stick can treat frigidity, improve the quality of sexual life, restore the uterus to its original size after childbirth, and remove odor. The use of a unique stick allows you to make the vagina narrower and provide an intense, bright orgasm.

In addition, orgasms will become more often and better. To restore the ability to get real pleasure from sex, the Dojan's wand and Vagilex candles will help. This tool is especially indispensable for women who have not enjoyed an intimate life for a long time. Bad sex or its absence should not be the reason for the breakups. The narrowing of the vagina will allow a woman to gain control of the muscles of the vagina, which makes it possible to give the partner new unforgettable sensations. It is almost impossible to overestimate the effect of using this unique tool.

Application Doian

Milking should be used exclusively by women. Before using the sticks, you must thoroughly wash the vagina. Then the Doyan stick is moistened with water and slowly inserted into the vagina with simultaneous rotation and massage for 30 seconds. To achieve the maximum possible effect, you must adhere to the following recommendations. It is better to lubricate the stick with a special moisturizing gel, which is purchased separately.

If the gel is not used for some reason, the device can be moistened with water and then inserted into the vagina. The stick can be used with or without gel. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 - 4 times. At first, 1 - 2 applications may well be enough, and the number of procedures depends on the discretion of the woman herself. The duration of the massage should not exceed 30 seconds.

This restriction is aimed at eliminating the situation of excessive narrowing of the vagina and, as a result, obstruction of the act. If the effect is too strong, then the walls of the vagina should be lubricated with the moisturizer included in the kit. The device can be used every 3 - 4 of the day, and after its use you need to thoroughly rinse it and wipe it with a dry towel. Keep the device in a dry place.

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Before using Doyan, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist for consultation. Sometimes a thick discharge is possible, which means that you need to stop using the product. In this situation, it is recommended to douch and flush the vagina well several times a day. Within 1 - 2 days, these secretions will be eliminated in the usual way. When using the device, burning and itching are possible, which can be easily eliminated by rinsing the vagina with a chamomile solution. In the case of installing a spiral, you can resort to the tool only after a month.

Do not use the product for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding babies. In addition, the product is prohibited for use during menstruation. Experts also do not recommend using Doyan in case of any diseases of the genital organs. If, after using the product, pain appears in the lower abdomen, then this can be considered the norm. Pain is a sign of active muscle contraction.

Characteristics and composition of Doian

Many experts note the completely unique composition of Doian. It is not so diverse in terms of the number of ingredients, but all of them create a universal strong effect from the use of the product.

  1. Talc. This ingredient is actively used in baby powders. Talc is rich in silicon and magic, which is why it is also often found in various medicines and dietary supplements.
  2. Borney laurel. The component is found in various essential oils.
  3. Pearl powder. The main purpose of the ingredient is the removal of harmful to the body radicals and fat decomposition products. Due to this, a slowdown in cell aging and a significant improvement in the exchange between cells are activated. As a result, the skin is seriously rejuvenated, immunity is strengthened, the frequency of menstrual cycles is normalized.
  4. Borneol. Due to the presence of this component in organs located in the pelvis, blood circulation is significantly improved. In addition, a strong antimicrobial and a number of other positive effects are noticeable.
  5. The root of the grass is “Mount Madula.” The ingredient is a concentrate of natural origin and the main factor in activating the contraction of the muscles of the vagina. Even in ancient China, the component was recommended for use by women in order to obtain stronger sexual pleasure. Due to this ingredient, the effect of virginity is formed, which increases the quality of orgasm.
  6. Powder Alum. Exclude the development of various inflammations in the genitals.

Doyan's length is 12 - 15 cm, and its diameter is 2 - 3 cm. At high density, the stick is rather fragile, therefore it requires careful handling. Product weight is 134 grams. The packaging of the stick is an ordinary box, and the stick itself is placed in an insulated film, which excludes its contact with the external environment before use.

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