Crypto Pump Signals for Binance: Short-term coin pump forecasts with examples

Greetings to all traders and crypto-currency investors, if you were previously interested in making easy money by trading crypto-currencies, then I will now tell you a huge secret: most of the traders’ profits come from trading digital tokens using “crypto-currency signals about upcoming pumps”. To put this in simpler terms, when you have insider information about coins that will “skyrocket in price” very soon, then you buy the desired cryptocurrency and expect its price to rise, and then sell this digital token purchased in advance for much more and record a huge profit .

All this happens very quickly and therefore this information brings profit every day, and if you do not have the necessary knowledge, this article will tell you how and where to get both paid and free information about the upcoming pumps of altcoins on the exchange Binance and how to make money on this useful insider information.

Presentation of the Crypto PUMP signals project for Binance

Crypto Pump Signals for Binance is a unique project that provides traders and investors with valuable information about upcoming cryptocurrency pumps. With the help of insider information published in the Telegram channel, this project creates an exclusive opportunity for traders and investors to make a profit in the short term. All this happens thanks to the use by the creators of the project of the unique capabilities of artificial intelligence used to analyze and predict the dynamics of changes in cryptocurrency prices. AI algorithms analyze large volumes of data and find potentially profitable trading opportunities, which can provide accurate signals about upcoming coin pumps to guide decision-making when investing in cryptocurrencies.

All reports on ongoing pumps on the exchange Binance published in the Telegram channel “Crypto pump signals for Binance” in real time and absolutely free. By subscribing to it, you will instantly receive insider information at a very early stage, which will allow you to make the right investment decisions and get maximum profits.

By subscribing to a private Telegram channel, traders instantly receive signals about upcoming coin pumps with entry and exit points for transactions, as well as accurate data on the potential for growth in the value of these coins in the near future.

The content of the article

The operating principle of the public Telegram channel “Crypto pump signals for Binance”

An example of a couple of posts in the Telegram channel “Crypto Pump Signals for Binance”, which shows a report on the completed pump and a “proof” of the signal about the upcoming pump

In the public Telegram channel “Crypto Pump Signals for Binance” two types of posts are always published simultaneously:

  • Post with report about the digital coin pump that just took place, which contains a screenshot of a chart from the Binance exchange, which clearly shows the dynamics of changes in the value of the coin on a 15-minute timeframe. The following information is always indicated under this chart: the name of the coin taking part in the pump, a direct link to Binance for trading this coin paired with BTC, the number of the pump goal achieved for this coin, the amount of profit received by VIP subscribers who used this trading signal about the upcoming pump of the specified in the coin’s report, as well as the time interval from the moment the signal is published in the VIP channel until the specified pump goal is achieved. An example of a report is shown in this image.
    An example of a post from a Telegram channel with a graph and a report on the coin pump in real time
  • Post with “Proof” trading signal from the VIP Telegram channel “VIP Crypto Pump Signals for Binance” is a publication containing a screenshot of a signal that was previously published in the VIP channel and, of course, is intended to compare the results of the pump that just took place with a report on it. That is, in the “proof” post you see a real screenshot of the signal that VIP subscribers used to trade the coin specified in the signal and made a profit. The VIP signal always contains the following information: the name of the coin whose price in the short term will increase to the values ​​​​indicated in the lines Target 1 ... Target 5 (these are the exit points for the transaction), the coin purchase zone recommended at the time of publication of the signal is also indicated (this is the entry point for the transaction ). In a post with “Proof” at the time of its publication in the public Telegram channel, the value of the value of the coin at the time of the pump is always clearly visible, indicated in the “Target” line with the number of the achieved goal. The next pump targets are “blurred, that is, hidden,” but the line with one of the future pump targets is always open. This allows subscribers of the public Telegram channel to use this value for trading and, accordingly, make a profit in the near future. This data can also be used as an analysis to check the accuracy and reliability of a trading signal. The image shows an example of a “proof” post.
    An example of a post in real time with a “proof of signal” about the upcoming pump of a coin published immediately after a report on the pump that just took place with “blurred” data about the potential for growth in the value of this coin in the near future

The trading signals provided by the Crypto Pump Signals for Binance project allow investors to receive advance information about cryptocurrency pumps, providing a unique advantage when trading in the digital market. Thanks to insider information, traders can analyze and predict price changes, making successful transactions.

Artificial intelligence, which underlies the project, ensures high accuracy and speed of information processing. Algorithms analyze huge amounts of data and identify the most promising opportunities for profitable trading. Thus, Crypto Pump Signals for Binance provides reliable signals to make informed decisions when investing in cryptocurrencies. Details about the use of artificial intelligence technologies to predict the dynamics of changes in cryptocurrency prices in the short term are described at the end of the article.

A detailed algorithm for using information received by a VIP subscriber in the VIP Telegram channel “Crypto pump signals for Binance” for trading on the Binance exchange in order to make a profit in the short term

Now let’s use a specific example (#Santos/BTC, January 16, 2024) to look at instructions on how to trade cryptocurrencies using signals from the private Telegram channel “VIP Crypto Pump Signals for Binance” with the subscription type “Silver”. It should be said that this type of subscription is the most optimal for testing the accuracy of signals about the upcoming cryptocurrency pump, and therefore a trader with this type of subscription begins to make a profit from the first day of its purchase. As statistics show, traders usually use this type of subscription for no more than a few days, because starting to make a profit from the first hours of its use, traders and investors switch to more advanced tariff plans, which is quite logical. Here is a brief algorithm for a trader’s actions when receiving a VIP signal in a Telegram channel, which consists of three simple actions:

  1. Follow the link indicated in the trading signal to the Binance exchange.
  2. Buy the coin “specified in the signal” at the recommended price in the “BUY ZONE” range (this value of the coin’s value is precisely the entry point into the transaction).
  3. Place an order to sell the coin you just purchased according to the values ​​​​specified in the lines “Target 1 - Target 5” (these are the exit points for the transaction). Instructions for using trading signals from the VIP channel to make a profit in the shortest possible period

To better understand the strategy for using signals about an upcoming pump, you need to watch a video of using a signal about an upcoming pump #SANTOS

The strategy for trading cryptocurrencies based on signals about an upcoming pump is simple, but you should know the following four trading rules when using insider information from the “Crypto pump signals for Binance” project:

  1. The purchase of the asset specified in the signal must occur immediately after receiving a notification from the Telegram channel, regardless of the type of subscription.
  2. The price of the asset to enter a transaction may differ slightly from the recommended one in the “Buy Zone” range, so you need to buy the coin specified in the signal immediately. This can be done manually, or using an automatic trading bot. This allows the trader to make a profit even when he is literally “sleeping”.
  3. The cost of a coin on the exchange at the time of its publication in the Telegram channel can go both up and down, but this does not mean at all that the “pump” expected by the trader will not happen. In such a situation, there is no need to panic and rush to sell the asset you just purchased at a dynamically declining price and fix the loss. In the video with an example of using information from the VIP Telegram channel, you can see that the coin was bought just at the moment when its price rapidly began to fly down. This may seem crazy at first glance, but the trader makes this purchase consciously, because he understands perfectly well that he may no longer have the opportunity to buy the coin indicated in the trading signal at a price as close as possible to the recommended one. You need to understand that he is 100% sure that the signal is accurate and that in the near future a “pump” will occur, during which he will be able to make a profit. It was precisely with confidence in the jeweler accuracy of the information published in the private Telegram channel that the trader did not sell the asset he had previously purchased when its price rose by about 10-12% from the entry point into the transaction and then quite slowly began to fall back down again. Most beginners trading using pump signals panic in the described situation and sell their assets at a price lower than that indicated in the “Target 1” value, while still recording a good amount of profit. As a result, thanks to the restraint of emotions and unquestioning faith in the accuracy of the forecast, the trader, after a short time, was able to record a profit of 19.8% in accordance with the “Target 1” value specified in the signal, and only after reaching a certain value of the coin, a “Dump” occurred. This fact 100% confirms the jeweler accuracy of the calculations, on the basis of which the artificial intelligence generated the above signal about the approaching coin pump and published it on the Telegram channel.
  4. It should be understood that for safe trading in the short term it is better to use only the values ​​“Target 1 - Target 2”, since it is most likely that the value of the asset you purchased will increase in the period from one hour to several days. Therefore, you need to invest no more than 3-5% of your remaining balance in each subsequent coin for trading on the Binance exchange. At the same time, the maximum volume of purchased coins before the “pump” must be sold at the price specified in “Target 1”, which was done by the trader in demonstrating the use of a trading signal from the VIP Telegram channel.

One of the main advantages of the Crypto Pump Signals for project Binance - its accessibility and ease of use. The channel can be accessed through the Telegram application, which is a convenient and popular solution for many traders. A fast and reliable communication channel allows you to receive relevant signals and quickly respond to changes occurring in the cryptocurrency market. Go to the desired trading pair on the exchange Binance occurs by clicking on a link in a Telegram channel post, which provides additional comfort for subscribers of this community.

The creators of the project use advanced data analysis and forecasting methods to process a huge amount of information about coins, exchange data and other factors affecting price movements. Using the power of AI, they develop forecasting models that allow them to determine the moments of upcoming “altcoin pumps” with maximum accuracy.

One of the basic methods of predicting the dynamics of changes in the value of altcoins is the analysis of technical indicators of cryptocurrencies, such as price charts, trading volumes, support and resistance levels. This data helps identify promising coins that may be subject to pumps in the near future.

In addition, the creators of the project take into account other factors affecting the cryptocurrency market, such as news, announcements from projects, volumes of trading pairs and many others. By compiling complex forecasting models, they identify possible signals about upcoming pumps and transmit them to traders and investors through the Crypto Pump Signals for Binance Telegram channel.

Work of project members Crypto PUMP signals for Binance

The advantage of this project is the use of advanced technologies such as AI and analysis of large amounts of information to obtain the most accurate and reliable signals about upcoming pumps. This allows traders and investors to stay ahead of the market and make significant profits in the short term using information about the upcoming pump of altcoins for trading on the Binance exchange, both paired with Bitcoin and paired with USDT.

All the necessary information is present in the Telegram channel "Crypto pump signals for Binance" absolutely free. First, you need to subscribe to it and study this public channel, since it is there that you can receive reports on current pumps on the Binance exchange completely free of charge. Users do not need to be an experienced trader or an expert in the field of cryptocurrencies - all operations are carried out automatically, and traders receive ready-made signals and recommendations for trading.

Thanks to a combination of artificial intelligence capabilities and technical means, the creators of the project ensure maximum forecasting accuracy and provide users with convenient tools for successful trading on the Binance exchange.

Insider information about the cryptocurrency pump on Binance

How to Start Trading Cryptocurrencies Using Forecasts, Predictions and Trading Signals

Are you interested in making money trading cryptocurrency, but don't know where to start? Crypto trading signals may be the answer you are looking for. These algorithmic trading tools are becoming increasingly popular in cryptocurrency trading, helping traders make trades with minimal risk and maximum profit. What are trading signals? Where to get trading signals? How to read trading signals? In this guide, we'll dive deeper into trading signals and how they can help simplify the trading process for experienced and new traders.

What are trading signals in cryptocurrency?

Crypto trading signals are notifications that let you know when the time is right to buy or sell coins. Such signals also suggest which coins may be the most profitable investment at a particular moment. Buy and buy trading signals provide traders with information about potentially profitable trades from analytics.

Trading signals for cryptocurrencies arise from careful forecasting of market conditions and are necessary to make informed judgments. However, obtaining accurate and reliable data can be difficult when making forecasts yourself. This is when new traders rely on the help of experts and turn to trading signal sites for help. Many of the latter have started using artificial intelligence trading signals, making it easier to learn how to start trading cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency trading signals combine insider information about future price movements of specific coins and cryptocurrency market analysis. These are often forecasts based on analytical work.

The main advantages of using crypto trading signals include:

  • Risk reduction. The right trading signals help protect you from most bad trades, reducing your chances of losing money and increasing your chances of making money.
  • Automation. Crypto trading signals help get rid of routine work that most traders don’t like, giving the user a lot of free time. The user simply needs to follow the direction that the crypto pump signal sets.
  • Eliminating doubts. Transactions on the stock exchange often have an emotional aspect, and traders tend to be guided by emotions rather than build complex work patterns. They don't want to do this because of the emotional burden. This approach can only sometimes lead to victory. However, with a clear guide to action created by a team of professionals, all doubts are eliminated thanks to a clear and logically structured strategy. The user can only use it. At the same time, any stress factors are excluded here.

Cryptocurrency trading signals are popular among both beginners and experienced traders. This type of algorithmic trading helps experienced traders find new strategies. Beginner traders can gain the necessary experience and knowledge of crypto trading. Signals fully automate the trading process and contribute to the financial security of traders, preventing losses. Thus, market participants can avoid bankruptcy when trading cryptocurrency.

Once you receive a trading signal, you decide to act on the offer. Some traders may consider the perceived risk too high or conduct their own fundamental or technical analysis, leading them to believe that the signal may fail.

You can automate your response and use an integrated program. This reduces the delay between recognizing the most accurate trading signals and opening a position, which can increase profits. However, if you choose to automate, you won't be able to reject signals on a case-by-case basis.

You can filter the signals you receive using various variables, for example by specifying the assets for which you receive notifications and limiting the timing of opening positions. Day traders and scalpers may prefer one- or five-minute signals, while others may choose one-hour or eight-hour time frames on the charts.

Reading cryptocurrency trading signals can seem complicated and requires a basic understanding of the market and technical analysis. However, you can follow these simple steps:

  • First, pay attention to the price of entry. This is the recommended price for buying or selling a specific cryptocurrency.
  • Then check the stop loss price. This is the price at which you should exit the trade if the market moves against you. This helps limit your potential losses.
  • Then look at the take profit price. You should exit the trade to make a profit at this price. Typically the take profit price is higher than the entry price.
  • You should also analyze market sentiment. Most trading signals are accompanied by market analysis that explains the reasons for the trade. Reading and understanding this analysis is important for making informed decisions.
  • Also pay attention to technical analysis. Crypto trading signals are often based on technical analysis, which involves studying charts and patterns to predict market movements. If you need to familiarize yourself with technical analysis, explore further.
  • Once you have entered a trade, it is very important to monitor it closely. Monitor the market and be prepared to exit a trade if the market moves against you.

It is important to note that trading signals are not a guaranteed way to make a profit. It is still important to do your research and make your own decisions. However, cryptocurrency trading signals can be useful for those new to trading or for those who want to save time on market analysis.

How to get trading signals for trading on the stock exchange?

You can discover crypto signals from various sources and communities such as Telegram groups and channels, Twitter accounts, TradingView and cryptocurrency forums. However, it is important to remember that not all signal providers are reliable, so it is advisable to do your own research before signing up with any provider. Additionally, it is better to start with small amounts and always manage your risk by setting a stop loss.

If you are looking for a reliable trading signals website, consider using Binance Crypto Trading Signals. These signals are designed to help you make cryptocurrency trading decisions based on two main indicators: profitability and probability.

You can make trading decisions, test hypotheses and plan trades based on data from professional traders using Chat GPT trading signals from the Telegram channel “Crypto PUMP signals for Binance”. These simple trading signals make it easy for traders to keep up with current trends and trade according to the current state of the crypto currency market.

In addition, the trading signals “Crypto PUMP signals for Binance” have Take Profit and Stop Loss settings that will help you manage your risks. They are also available on any device, including an enhanced version on the Telegram channel. Signals are automatically adjusted depending on the current price of the asset, making them even more reliable.

Trading can be a complex task due to the many elements involved. However, everything will become much easier if you learn to spot profitable trading signals.

Trading signals involve a huge amount of available misinformation, personal biases and the need to balance risk and reward. As a new trader, it can be difficult to know where to focus your attention.

One of the main reasons why trading is so difficult is the abundance of misinformation on the Internet. Separating the worthwhile advice from the junk can be challenging. To avoid falling victim to false trading advice, it is vital to test everything in your backtesting software before going live.

It is also important to remain impartial while trading. Many traders tend to impose their views on the market, which leads to making wrong decisions. Having a proven trading strategy is critical to success. A trading strategy is a set of rules that determine when to enter and exit a trade, and how much to buy or sell short. It should be clearly defined and preferably written in a backtesting programming language.

Risk management and position sizing are also vital aspects of trading. It is necessary to balance return and risk and not risk more than 3-5% on each trade. Learning where to get trading signals requires persistence as it can take years to master. Additionally, traders must evolve and develop new strategies to continually remain successful.

Who uses cryptocurrency trading signals?

Cryptocurrency trading signals are a valuable tool used by various people involved in the cryptocurrency market. Here are some of the key users of cryptocurrency trading signals:

  • Cryptocurrency trading signals are widely used by retail traders, including beginners and experienced investors, to make more informed decisions about buying or selling cryptocurrencies. Signals provide insight into potential market trends, which can help traders capitalize on opportunities.
  • Day traders engage in short-term trading, buying and selling cryptocurrencies within a single trading day. They use trading signals to identify intraday opportunities and take advantage of price fluctuations.
  • Swing traders seek to capture price fluctuations over a period of days or weeks. Trading signals help them determine entry and exit points based on technical or fundamental analysis.
  • Some hedge funds and institutional investors involved in cryptocurrency trading use signals as part of their overall trading strategy. These signals can be generated using algorithmic trading systems or by in-house analysts.
  • Traders using automated trading algorithms or trading signal bots can incorporate crypto trading signals into their systems. Algorithms can execute trades based on predetermined criteria derived from these signals.
  • Some cryptocurrency exchanges offer trading signals or analysis tools to their users. Traders on these platforms can access signals to make more informed trading decisions.
  • Several individuals and organizations specialize in providing cryptocurrency trading signals as a service. These signal providers analyze the market and provide trading recommendations to subscribers for a fee.
  • Financial professionals and investment advisors who specialize in cryptocurrencies can use trading signals to help their clients make investment decisions.
  • Investors with a long-term view of cryptocurrencies can use the signals to identify strategic entry points to accumulate assets or make portfolio adjustments.
  • Cryptocurrency trading signals can also be used for educational purposes. Traders, especially those new to the market, can use signals to understand how trading strategies are formulated and executed.

Users should exercise caution and conduct thorough research into cryptocurrency trading signals. Markets can be volatile and trading involves risks. Additionally, the quality and accuracy of signals may vary, so users should select reliable sources and consider signals as part of the overall decision-making process.

Benefits of using the Telegram channel Crypto Pump Signals for Binance

Using data received in the Telegram channel Crypto Pump Signals for Binance can bring several significant benefits for both beginners and experienced traders:

  • Get accurate forecasts for the upcoming altcoin pump: You will have access to high-quality forecasts and analytics that will allow you to make successful trades in the cryptocurrency market every day.
  • Early access to information: A VIP subscription to a private Telegram channel provides traders with advance access to information about pump signals, which makes it possible to stay ahead of other traders and make money on changes in cryptocurrency rates.
  • Save time: Since artificial intelligence has already done all the necessary work to analyze the cryptocurrency market and provide accurate forecasts, you save your time and effort that would otherwise be spent on analyzing and making financial decisions on your own.

Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of these benefits and increase your chances of success in the world of cryptocurrency trading!

Functionality of the Telegram channel "Crypto pump signals for Binance"

Let’s say you subscribed to the public channel “Crypto pump signals for Binance” and don’t understand what kind of graphs and pictures are published in it. Now I’ll tell you that the basis of the Telegram channel’s content is the publication of screenshots showing graphs of the dynamics of changes in the value of digital coins, in which subscribers of the VIP channel invested and were able to make money on “trading signals about pumps”. In the screenshots published in the Telegram channel, you can observe several pump stages in a row, that is, sharp “jumps in the price of coins”; these same jumps in the value of digital tokens are shown as tall green candles on the chart.

Overview of the functions of the Telegram channel “Crypto pump signals for Binance”

After each chart, information is published on the amount of profit received by subscribers of the VIP channel as a percentage of the initial cost, and you will also be able to see the name of the currency pair and the time period for which this “Pump” occurred from the moment the signal was published in the VIP channel and the serial number of the pump signaling the achieved goal of investors.

After a post with a report on the pump that took place in the Telegram channel, a post is simultaneously published with a screenshot from the VIP channel, which proves the “accuracy of the signal data about the pump”; it is very easy to check it. On this publication you can find the time and date when this trading signal was published about the upcoming increase in the price of the coin specified in the trading signal.

You can follow the link in the post to the Binance exchange, that’s where all the work happens, and check the start time of the pump and the time the signal was published. Therefore, subscribers of the VIP channel successfully receive huge profits using this information, valuable for every crypto-currency trader.

Report on daily trading using coin pump signals on Binance

In addition, statistics on profits received as a result of trading using “pump signals” are published every 24 hours. Typically, over the last 100 hours, VIP channel subscribers receive a total of 180% to % profit from the initial entry price into cryptocurrency trading using trading signals from the Telegram channel (meaning the total profit from all the coins that participated in the pump over the past 24 hours). It is for full-fledged earnings that there is a VIP channel, if you came to this area of ​​​​trading for real money making, then you need to get there at any cost.

Reports and statistics of the project “Crypto pump signals for Binance”

Now you understand how the free channel about upcoming cryptocurrency pumps and the VIP channels of the investor team “Crypto pump signals for Binance” work in the Telegram messenger. The public channel publishes evidence of the brilliant work of a team of investors on cryptocurrency pump signals. The main work takes place in the VIP channel, this is where subscribers earn money, and current information is published about the coins taking part in trading and in what price range they need to be bought, as well as at what price ranges they need to sell tokens purchased in advance to obtain maximum profit. but we'll talk about this a little later.

The most important update of the project allows everyone to earn money with a minimum investment. The administration of the Telegram channel provides conditionally free signals about the upcoming cryptocurrency pump. Now anyone can use free signals to increase their own capital and receive additional profit. Each trading signal published in the community brings profit during the first stage of the pump of the crypto currency pair specified in this signal. The period for achieving the first goal of an altcoin pump ranges from one hour to two days. You can check this yourself without investing your own money. Just watch the reports published in this Telegram community. At first glance it seems that this is fantasy, but all the signals really work and bring profit to traders.

How to use Telegram channels of the project “Crypto pump signals for Binance”

Project Crypto Pump Signals for Binance has both a public channel, in which information, along with reports and statistics on profits, is published for free, and a VIP section, in which more accurate signals about upcoming pumps of specific coins are published, available only to subscribers who have paid a membership fee.

  • In the public channel, traders can only check the accuracy of the signals published in the VIP channel using “proofs”, which are published simultaneously along with reports on pumps that have taken place at a given time. Telegram channel posts with “evidence” present screenshots of signals from the VIP channel, showing the recommended values ​​of the coin value at the time of entering the deal and five pump targets with exit points from the deal.
  • Posts published in the VIP channel contain signals that traders can use to predict market movements and make profits in the very next few days or even hours. This private channel also provides information on future altcoin pump targets, allowing traders to see what price a coin is expected to reach in the near future.

Using signals Crypto pump signals for Binance on practice

Thus, Crypto Pump Signals for Binance provides traders and investors with the opportunity to receive current and accurate signals on the Telegram channel about upcoming altcoin pumps in the short term, as well as check the accuracy of forecasts using “proofs”, which are published simultaneously with reports on the achievement of any of the digital coin pump goals.

Report in the telegram channel Crypto Pump Signals for Binance about the successful pump of the Santos coin

This helps traders make informed decisions and use this data to trade for quick profits.

What are “signal proofs” and how do they help verify the accuracy of information?

Posts with “proofs” are published immediately after the report on the coin pump that took place. It presents a screenshot from the VIP channel, which shows the coin that was indicated in the signal from the VIP channel, as well as which of the five possible pump goals has been achieved at the moment. In addition, the data on trade exit points for future pump targets is blurred in these “proof” screenshots, but one of the pump targets in the near future is always open, thereby giving users information about what price the coin’s value should rise to. soon.

By using such data from proof posts, traders can gain an advantage and use this information for their trading operations, seeking to make quick profits. They can easily check the accuracy of signals from the VIP channel by comparing them with the real results presented in the “proofs”. This allows users to make informed decisions and minimize risks.

Proofs of the accuracy of trading signals from the Crypto pump signals for Binance channel

You have already learned how to analyze information in a public channel, now is the time to get acquainted with the VIP channel and its functions for trading on the exchange.

The essence of the work of the premium group in the Telegram application is very simple: after purchasing a VIP subscription, you receive an invitation link and join this channel in which you receive daily insider information about which digital coins the team of traders “Crypto pump signals for Binance” will work with. Let's look at a clear signal plan for successful trading of crypto currency assets, so now we will look at a specific trading signal example dated 15 November.

So, you receive a notification about a new message in Telegram from the VIP channel, and you see on the screen a similar signal about the upcoming pump of the cryptocurrency indicated in this signal on the Binance exchange.

Signal about the upcoming pump of the POLY coin paired with BTC

First, let's go through the conventions used in the message with the "pump signal":

  • The first thing we see is the name of the Telegram channel; there is no need to explain anything here.
  • Next, you see a blue link with the text #POLY/BTC (Binance). This line should be read like this: POLY/BTC means the name of the coin paired with Bitcoin, which means that you need to buy the “POLY” token. I think now everyone understands that Binance is the exchange that has this coin indicated in the trading signal. For your convenience in a word Binance There is a direct link to go to trading the coin specified in the signal.
  • “Buy zone: 1096-1125”, this is the price range within which it is recommended to buy a digital coin within this signal; it is this price that guarantees profit after reaching the first goal of the upcoming pump.
  • Of the main elements of the post with the signal, it remains to pay attention to the last one, in which you will see the exit points from the transaction designated as target 1-5, they mean the following goals for the coin value pump, upon reaching which it is necessary to sell this digital token. For example, if you are a fan of making quick profits, you can sell all pre-purchased volumes of this asset at the values ​​of the first target specified in the trading signal. If you are willing to wait to earn much more, then place sell orders on the next pump targets and wait for them to be achieved. Usually this is a short period of time ranging from several minutes to several days.

But on this chart you can see the result of a successfully executed pump of the coin specified in the signal. In this example, you can see that the first three pump goals were achieved in less than 1 hour, and VIP subscribers of the Telegram channel “Crypto Pump Signals for Binance” received 18% profit. Of course, you can achieve the same successful results in cryptocurrency trading after purchasing a premium subscription.

Graph with a report on the completed pump of the POLY token

Now let's move on to a clear plan for trading cryptocurrency using signals from the Telegram channel “Crypto Pump Signals for Binance”:

  1. First action. You receive a signal in the VIP channel.
  2. You buy the coin “indicated in the signal” at the price recommended in the cost range.
  3. Place sell orders according to the values ​​specified in the lines “Target 1 - Target 5”.
  4. Enjoy your profits after a short wait.

Demonstration of the VIP channel Crypto pump signals for Binance

All this is very easy to do and now you understand how easy it is to earn money as a member of the VIP club, because the closed VIP channel “Crypto Pump Signals for Binance” in Telegram is intended for those people who want to regularly record huge profits, while very quickly and often. The income of VIP subscribers is much higher than that of ordinary traders who do not have such insider information.

Subscribe to VIP channel via QR code

Every trader who buys subscription to any type of VIP channel has the opportunity not only to make a profit with the help of accurate signals about the upcoming coin pump, but also can get absolutely free access to a VIP channel of a higher level!


To do this, you just need to record the screen so that the video clip clearly shows the signal you received from the VIP channel that you used for trading and, accordingly, the closed deal as a result of using this signal. Send the video you recorded to the channel administrator and receive an invitation link to VIP channel of a higher level to use more profitable signals for 1 month completely free. Here is an example of a video recorded by a subscriber with a “Silver” subscription type to a VIP channel intended for trading coins paired with USDT, pay attention to the date and time the signal was received and when the #DOCK coin was sold.

An example of a signal about a #DOCK coin pump in a VIP channel and the result with making a profit on BINANCE

In addition, the Telegram channel "Crypto pump signals for Binance" provides a number of promotional offers for the most active participants, let's get acquainted with them.

Of course, it is known that a VIP subscription is quite expensive and not everyone has the opportunity to buy it, so if you are an active subscriber, then you can get a substantial discount on any type of VIP subscription, or even win it for free. These promotions are made specifically for the active part of the Telegram channel audience.

So, to get a personal discount, you need to invite your friends to a free Telegram channel: for one attracted friend, you get a discount of 2% of the total cost of the VIP subscription. To do this, simply send a list of your referrals to the channel administrator and consider that "the discount is in your pocket", but remember that the cost of a premium subscription, taking into account the discount, cannot be more than 50%.

Free VIP subscription to the secret group of traders is drawn every week on Sunday. In order to get a chance to win it, you need to invite your friend to the Telegram channel "Crypto pump signals for Binance" and send his name to the support administrator. After that, the automatic system will check for a new subscriber and your account will automatically take part in the draw. It is known that every week 3 winners are randomly selected, who will receive a link with an invitation to a secret channel with the publication of insider information about the upcoming pumps of specific digital tokens paired with the dollar or bitcoin.

Now you know why these Telegram channels exist for a team of traders called Crypto pump signals for Binance and you can subscribe to them now. By now you have already learned how to use them correctly to make money using “pump signals”, and you also already understand how to get an additional discount for purchasing a VIP subscription, because only with it you can get high profit rates when trading cryptocurrency.

This team of traders also has a channel on Youtube where you can see several educational videos with instructions on how to safely make money using insider information about the upcoming cryptocurrency pumps taking place on the Binance exchange.

In addition to a stable income, you will receive new knowledge and real experience in trading on the most popular exchange Binance after watching this video presentation.

Strategy for using signals placed in the VIP channel

The instruction is intended for those traders who want to know how to properly read, understand and use trading signals from the VIP channel of the investor team called "Crypto pump signals for Binance". To avoid financial loss, you must read and strictly follow next instruction:

  • 1. As soon as you receive a notification about a new signal in the VIP channel, the specified coin must be purchased immediately in the price range specified in the “Purchase Zone” line. After this, you need to immediately place orders to sell this coin on the exchange at the prices indicated in the lines with the values ​​“starting from Target 1... to... Target 5 inclusive” and then wait on the Binance exchange for the triggering of the placed “sell orders” and after This way you can be guaranteed to lock in profits.
  • 2. Use for trading only the newest signals that have already been published in the Crypto Pump Signals for Binance VIP channel! We recommend using no more than 3-5% of your capital for each coin for trading!
  • 3. Never invest all your capital in just one or a few coins. You need to invest in at least 3-4 new coins per day to maximize your profits and avoid wasting time that may occur during the period until the coin reaches at least the first target. Statistics show that this can happen within one hour from the moment the signal is received in the VIP channel, or it can even take several days. Each published coin can take part in the pump in different time periods, as it depends on the current situation in the cryptocurrency market!
  • 4. The @cornix_trading_bot bot is already connected to the Crypto Pump Signals for Binance VIP channel. You can use it for automated trading on Binance. Have you noticed the “Follow signal” button under each post in a special VIP channel? Then, click on it and follow the instructions of the assistant bot to set up automatic trading using the Cornix robot.

How to subscribe to the VIP channel “Crypto Pump Signals for Binance” in Telegram and what types of subscriptions exist?

This video clip shows how to use the “channel menu” to navigate through the main information sections and subscribe to the VIP channel.

Project Crypto Pump Signals for Binance offers a variety of paid subscription options to meet traders' varying needs for profitable cryptocurrency trading signals.

  • The Light plan gives subscribers access to AI-generated cryptocurrency pump signals for use on the Binance exchange. While these signals are reliable and accurate, they may not have the same level of accuracy and speed of achieving the pump targets specified in the signal as higher tier plans. This type of subscription is suitable for traders who want to first explore the service at an affordable price.
  • The Bronze subscription type offers more advanced algorithms and machine learning models to generate highly accurate and relevant signals about sharp increases in the value of cryptocurrencies. Subscribers to this plan can expect to receive faster signals about coins with greater potential to participate in the crypto currency pump in the very near future and achieve the pump goals outlined in the signal more quickly. This plan is ideal for traders who want to maximize their profit potential by receiving signals with high accuracy and speed to achieve predicted results.
  • The “Silver” subscription option is the next subscription level after “Bronze” in terms of signal quality. It provides subscribers of a special VIP channel with more accurate and faster signals from our artificial intelligence system about upcoming cryptocurrency “pumps” in the near future. With this tariff plan, traders will be able to achieve most of the pump goals indicated in the signal earlier than with other subscribers with the Light or Bronze plans.
  • The “Gold” tariff plan offers pump signals created by artificial intelligence that are even more accurate and faster in achieving most goals. Traders subscribing to this plan can expect to achieve all five pump goals much sooner than with the Light, Bronze or Silver plans. The Gold plan is designed for traders who are looking for maximum accuracy and speed of profit when trading cryptocurrencies. Additionally, starting with the Gold subscription level, traders have the opportunity to use the Cornix automated trading bot. This helps maximize profits and eliminate the need for manual trading (the bot scans every signal received in the telegram channel and uses this data to enter and exit trades when the asset price reaches the five “pump targets”).
  • The Platinum subscription is the next level of subscription and provides even more accurate and faster signals about cryptocurrency pumps generated by artificial intelligence. Traders who choose this plan can expect to receive information on coins that have the potential to quickly reach all five pump targets earlier than with the Lite, Bronze, Silver and Gold plans. This type of subscription has no expiration date, allowing subscribers to forget about having to renew their subscription forever. Platinum subscribers get access to several VIP channels that publish signals for manual trading and the automated trading bot “Cornix”, as well as access to a VIP channel that publishes signals for trading cryptocurrencies paired with USDT, allowing you to trade more efficiently and conveniently using a stable and reliable cryptocurrency.
  • The Premium Professional plan is the highest option in the hierarchy of subscription types, so it gives subscribers access to a channel where the most profitable and fastest AI-generated pump signals are published. With this subscription, cryptocurrency traders will receive VIP signals about the upcoming pump of coins that have the highest probability of achieving all five pump goals in the short term, compared to any other lower tier subscription type. It goes without saying that this plan includes the opportunity to receive priority support from a dedicated account manager.
  • Special offer for beginner traders: You can immediately access two private channels for trading coins paired with BTC and USDT by just paying 30% of the subscription price for annual Gold tariff provided that 30 days after using the “signals” from these two VIP channels you will pay the remaining portion of the subscription cost.

This offer will help you increase your capital in a short time and ensure the quality of the information offered in VIP channels!

In general, we can say that VIP subscribers receive exclusive signals about upcoming increases in the value of coins every day in a closed Telegram channel. This means that once you purchase a subscription, you will have access to information that only a few privileged traders have.

But that is not all! The number of Pump Goals achieved within the next 24 hours from the moment the signal is published for each coin increases with each top-tier tariff plan, giving you even more opportunities to make money trading cryptocurrencies. This means that with a more expensive plan, you can make profits much faster and more with these trading signals and be confident that they are as accurate as possible.

For example, Traders who have a lifetime VIP "Platinum" subscription successfully achieve all five pump targets for every coin published in the "Platinum" VIP channel in the short term with a probability of at least 98%, allowing them to earn much more profit as a percentage per month compared to lower tier subscriptions.

And the most interesting thing is that the accuracy and speed of the signal in the short term (within 1 hour to 48 hours from the moment the signal is published in the VIP channel) range from 84% to 98%, depending on the type of subscription. This means you can quickly respond to changes in the market and maximize your profits.

In addition, the higher the tariff plan, the greater the percentage of profit you will receive from each successfully triggered signal. And don't forget that the length of your subscription also affects your ability to earn more: the higher the subscription level, the longer the validity period!

So don’t miss the opportunity to become part of an elite community of traders and start earning much more right now, using trading signals about the upcoming increase in cryptocurrency from the “Crypto PUMP signals for Binance” project!

Explanations for the article about cryptocurrency pump signals

Why is there no test access to the VIP channel and no free subscription?

Artificial intelligence plays a key role in analyzing and processing large amounts of data used to generate trading signals for various trading plans. It uses advanced algorithms and machine learning models to analyze market trends, news, historical data and other factors.

Artificial intelligence is able to adapt to changing market conditions and update its recommendations in real time. It helps traders achieve financial goals and increase their success in the financial markets by providing the most profitable opportunities.

However, the administration of the “Crypto PUMP signals for Binance” project stopped providing free signals and free access to the VIP channel for several reasons:

  • Firstly, a team of investors spends significant amounts of money on organizing and conducting coin pumps.
  • Secondly, some VIP subscribers and investors invest their own funds in the development of VIP channels and server maintenance.

To join the VIP subscriber team, all new members are required to pay a membership fee. Previously, we showed everyone screenshots of the VIP channels themselves and sent samples of signals for free to check their quality and reliability. However, due to the large number of people who received information for free and then used it to their advantage or resold signals, our team has abandoned this practice.

Additionally, the Help Desk Team receives a lot of messages from different people, so they don't have time to spend distributing free signals and answering questions that are already covered in the instructions embedded in the channel messages.

Those people who really want to receive signals about cryptocurrency pumps should purchase at least the cheapest subscription. Even competitors do this in order to analyze the current situation in the digital asset market. For serious traders who use coin pump insights to trade on Binance, this is not a problem at all.

You can find all the reports in the public channel about achieving pump goals and confirming the accuracy of all coin signals published in a special VIP channel before the start of the pump, so study it carefully and analyze it!

Determining whether cryptocurrency trading signals are worth investing in depends on several factors, such as your level of trading experience and knowledge, the reliability of the signal provider, and your risk tolerance. For novice traders, cryptocurrency trading signals “Crypto PUMP signals for Binance” can be a valuable tool to start your trading journey. But it is very important to do thorough research before choosing a reliable signal provider.

Affiliate program: Invite traders and get rewarded to your BTC wallet

Invite your friends and just any traders to subscribe to the VIP channel of Crypto Pump Signals for Binance and get rewarded for it. That is, you can offer any person on social networks or on the freelance services exchange to buy a VIP subscription to the channel VIP Crypto Pump Signals for Binance with a guaranteed 10% discount, and you will receive a good commission for it! It will be beneficial for the buyer of the VIP subscription and for you at the same time!

After your friend (who you invited) joins the VIP group, you need to send the following information to the channel administrator:

  • The name of the person you invited and a link to their TELEGRAM profile (for example, @your_friend_nickname).
  • The address of your bitcoin wallet to receive the reward.
  • The reward is 10% of the cost of a VIP subscription that a person bought on your recommendation.
  • For active referrals, an additional 5% bonus is provided if you can attract more than 10 VIP subscribers per month.

Bottom line: if you can invite more than 10 people per month, then the amount of your reward will be 15% of the cost of the subscription that the person you referred bought.

How to passively make money by advertising a crypto project

How to get a personal discount on a VIP subscription to a channel with pump signals?

There is a special offer that allows you to independently determine the amount of the discount for the VIP subscription! The conditions for obtaining a discount are very simple:

  • 1. You refer a friend who subscribes to a free Telegram channel and automatically receive a 2% discount on any type of VIP channel subscription. The more friends you bring, the bigger the discount! Remember the main rule, the discount cannot exceed 50% of the cost of the subscription you have chosen. If most of your friends unsubscribe within a month, then you will lose half of your subscription to the Crypto Pump Signals for Binance VIP channel. (Exception: Lifetime Premium and Platinum subscriptions).
  • 2. Send the list of friends who have joined the Telegram channel to the administrator: @cryptowhalesexpert
  • 3. After that, you have the right to buy a subscription to the VIP channel at a much cheaper price using the following formula: 1 subscriber attracted by you is equal to receiving a 2% discount.

Traders' feedback on using the VIP channel "Crypto pump signals for Binance"

Opinions on the benefits of trading signals about the altcoin pump

If you are still considering whether to join the VIP channel, you can read traders' reviews about cryptocurrency pump signals at the end of this article in the comments, each subscriber is satisfied, because nowhere else such reliable and exclusive information is published as in the Crypto pump signals for Binance VIP channel. Read examples of reviews of people who were able to earn by trading cryptocurrency using pump signals:

Blaise Nichols planned to start a business, but he did not have enough funds for this. To earn money, he took up cryptocurrency trading. He began to receive profit with a paid version, with which you can get from 10 signals per day. Most often, his income is: 10 - 12 percent upon reaching the second goal of the crypto pump.

Claribel Todd, a low-wage teacher, decided to try to make more money. She subscribed to the paid channel Crypto Pump Signals for Binance. On April 10, 2021, she bought the #FUEL currency for $500, after 5 hours she received a 30% profit. Trader Todd recommends the paid VIP version of the Telegram channel.

Lauryn Malone started trading with the paid version and can now go on vacation two to three times a year and plans to open a business. He advises to use only data from the VIP channel.

David Townsend was introduced to trading after being advised by a friend who opened a chain of restaurants thanks to his earnings. He also advises subscribing to the Crypto Pump Signals for Binance VIP Club, since there are few signals on the free one.

Bryce Norman started earning on cryptocurrency because he plans to start his own business. The Telegram channel allows him to trade profitably. On May 23, 2021, he purchased the #VIA cryptocurrency at a price of $1700, after 5 hours the profit was $1853.

Katherine Fells is a housewife and her husband has a low salary. After considering various options for work, she settled on cryptocurrency. On April 20, 2021, she bought the #Waves token in the amount of $2500, after 6 hours she made a profit of $600.

Channel subscribers are people who were not satisfied with their previous income, as well as those who wanted to start a new business. They bought tokens and participated in pumps based on signals from the telegram channel. All of them received up to 30% profit in the first few hours of trading. Subscribers of the channel recommend subscribing to the VIP version, since it is this that guarantees profit, while the free channel gives only one or two signals per day.

Watch this video of a successful example of buying an XMR coin at a price of 144,2 usd per coin before the value of the Monero asset increased to $162 per token. The purchase was carried out during a period when the value of the specified asset was rapidly falling and had all the signs of a Dump, but at the same time the trader was not afraid to buy a certain number of coins, knowing at the same time that their value on the exchange would very soon increase, since he had insider information from the VIP channel.

You can study the statistics and find reports on coin pumps that took place, as well as evaluate the scale of profit received by the VIP channel participants. To do this, follow the link in Telegram channel and select the year, month and day you are interested in. The report looks like a list of coins indicating the amount of profit received as a percentage and the period for achieving the goal of pumping up the value of the coin. To check the accuracy of this information for each coin from the list, you need to click on the “#” symbol in front of the name of this coin, and in the search field that opens for this tag you can scroll up and find the information you need.

To get the most out of cryptocurrency trading, you need to pay in advance for a VIP subscription, but this payment will be returned to you within one day. Learn about new digital token price rises in advance so that your profits exceed the subscription costs many times over. And if you invite your friend to subscribe to the VIP channel, then you will receive a reward and a discount on the subscription, you may not have to pay at all. It’s not enough just to know when there will be a new pump, it is important to act correctly during it, then the profit will be guaranteed.

So, we have reviewed one of the most popular services for receiving free signals for cryptocurrency pumps. Crypto Pump Signals Binance provides high-quality information about upcoming pumps on the Binance exchange, which allows investors to earn money by trading digital tokens.

Key advantages of the service that provides accurate cryptocurrency price forecasts based on artificial intelligence:

  • Free signals about upcoming cryptocurrency pumps.
  • High accuracy of forecasts of price dynamics of digital assets.
  • 24/7 subscriber support in different languages.
  • Easy and intuitive interface.
  • Convenient notification system for instant response to signals via Telegram messenger.

Now you can join the community of successful traders and earn income from trading digital tokens with the help of reliable and high-quality pump signals from Crypto Pump Signals for Binance, so don’t miss your chance to make money trading cryptocurrencies and become a successful investor.

Tips and tricks for using Crypto Pump Signals effectively

To effectively use information from the Crypto Pump Signals Telegram channel on the Binance exchange and get the maximum benefit from trading, it is recommended to follow some tips and strategies. Here are some of them:

  • Carefully study trading signals: Before using an insider, carefully read its description, conduct a comprehensive analysis and evaluate the forecast. Make sure you fully understand the proposed operation and whether the approach is justified. This will help you make an informed decision.
  • Set a stop loss: No matter how confident you are in the success of the signal, it is recommended to set a stop loss - the level at which you are ready to close your position in order to reduce possible losses. This will help you protect your capital and manage risks.
  • Manage your emotions: Coin pumps can be quite volatile and emotionally demanding. It is recommended to keep your emotions under control and avoid outbursts of feelings. Follow the strategy you have developed and trust the decisions based on the analysis and information provided by the signals.
  • Portfolio Diversification: To reduce risk and increase your chances of success, it is recommended to spread your investments among different coins and markets. You should not rely on just one signal or one coin. Have a variety of assets in your portfolio.
  • Constantly improve your experience and competence: The cryptocurrency market is constantly changing, and news, events and trends can significantly affect coin prices. It is recommended to keep abreast of the latest news, follow updates and learn constantly in order to be ready for changes and adapt to market conditions.

Tips and tricks for trading cryptocurrencies using AI technologies

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success using the insights from Crypto Pump Signals and manage your crypto portfolio more effectively. However, please remember that investing in cryptocurrencies always involves risk and decisions are made at your own responsibility. Be smart and cautious, and remember to do your own analysis and research to make informed decisions.

How the Crypto Pump Signals for project works Binance and where do the signals about upcoming cryptocurrency pumps come from?

Crypto Pump Signals for Binance is an innovative project that uses advanced AI technologies to analyze and predict market trends in the field of cryptocurrencies. This algorithm, trained on a huge amount of data, is able to predict the price fluctuations of cryptocurrencies, functioning as a personal analyst for traders who subscribe to the VIP channel.

The intellectual system operation process includes the following steps:

1. Information Gathering: AI analyzes historical price data, trading volumes, news stories and social signals to create a complete market overview and build a learning database.

2. Data preparation: The information is denoised and put into a suitable format. This stage is critical, since the quality of the input data directly affects the accuracy of the forecast signals for the trader.

3. AI model training: A variety of machine learning algorithms are used. Regression is used to predict prices, classification is used to determine the type of pump, and clustering is used to group similar features of pumps.

4. AI model testing: The model is tested on new data that was not used during training to evaluate its ability to predict real price fluctuations and this works with an accuracy of more than 95%, as practice shows. This can be easily verified by analyzing the pumping reports published in the telegram channel, paired with evidence from the VIP channel.

5. AI model optimization: In case of unsatisfactory test results, the model is optimized by adjusting the parameters or applying other machine learning methods.

6. Model deployment: After successful testing and optimization, the model starts working in real time, analyzing new data and giving signals about upcoming pumps in the near future.

7. Monitoring and updating the model: The model is constantly monitored and updated as new data becomes available and conditions change in the cryptocurrency market.
Crypto Pump Signals for Binance is a unique project that uses the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to predict future cryptocurrency pumps. This is an advanced solution that can become a powerful tool in the hands of experienced traders and beginners.

Using sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms, the Crypto Pump Signals project collects and analyzes vast amounts of data, including historical price data, trading volumes, news and social signals. This allows you to create a detailed overview of the market and create a training database for AI.

To determine the probability of a pump for each coin on the exchange in the short term, AI uses various mathematical models. For example, regression methods predict prices, classification algorithms determine the type of pump, and clustering methods group similar features of upcoming coin pumps together. Mathematical models of artificial intelligence such as “random forest”, gradient boosting or neural networks are precisely used for this purpose.

Two methods are used to determine the accuracy of signals: Pearson correlation and ROC curve. Pearson correlation evaluates the degree of relationship between predicted and actual prices, and ROC curve — classification efficiency of the model.

ROC curve for determining the dynamics of changes in cryptocurrency prices

Regarding the determination of the possible percentage increase in the value of each coin during the pump, AI uses statistical methods and time series forecasting algorithms. ARIMA, LSTM or Prophet models are used successfully to achieve this goal. They analyze previous price fluctuations and, based on this data, make forecast signals about future price changes for each coin on the exchange.

When it comes to determining when to sell an asset to maximize profits, AI uses an approach based on risk management and exit strategies. This includes setting take profit values ​​based on predicted volatility and a potential upside percentage of the coin.

In general, Crypto Pump Signals for Binance is an innovative project that uses advanced AI technology to provide traders with valuable information about upcoming cryptocurrency pumps. This can help them make timely and informed trading decisions, which in turn can greatly increase their chances of success.