Liquid tights Top Model Secret description and instruction

Liquid tights Top Model Secret (original name - Airbrush Legs or Spray on) is one of the most unusual and at the same time practical novelties in the fashion world. For many women, they are still unusual, but the demand for them has begun to grow.

There are situations when liquid tights are really irreplaceable. At a romantic date, corporate event, party or other holiday event, you want to look your best. But in the summer heat it is more convenient to walk with open legs. How to be in this case? Liquid tights will help to hide flaws and perfectly complement your elegant look.

Slender tanned legs with an even skin tone have always been associated with the opposite sex with real female beauty. To seem attractive, girls resort to a variety of ways. They sunbathe intensely on the beaches and in the solarium, use expensive cosmetics, apply tanning, put on beautiful tights and stockings.

Of course, it helps to look better. But it’s not always possible to get a good tan, high-quality cosmetics cost a lot of money, and tights are completely inappropriate in the warm season. It’s hot in summer, they cause discomfort, and besides, at the most inopportune moment, an annoying “arrow” may appear on them.

Top Model Secret liquid tights

We give an interesting fact from history. In past times, thrifty girls who did not want to spend money on stockings took a regular pencil and drew lines on their feet imitating a seam, and also drew a heel and a toe. This was required by the rules of decency, so that no one would think that a woman can not afford tights.

Today, the requirements for a female appearance are not so strict, but elegant legs always emphasize the image favorably. Therefore, the designers decided to recall the well-forgotten old and offered fashionable women an amazing novelty - liquid tights.

The author of idea Top Model Secret - Japanese inventor Yoshimi Hamado. He developed a unique spray, which was appreciated by the beauties of many countries of the world.

It is necessary to evenly spray the product on the skin, and a realistic impression is created that the woman has tights or stockings. To achieve the perfect effect, special reflective components and a high-quality bronzer were introduced into the spray.

Thanks to the innovative formula, the sprayed substance lays evenly, does not stain things, does not spread. A woman of fashion in “liquid stockings” may not worry about anything. The composition will not float from the heat and will not wash off in the rain, there will be a feeling of lightness and comfort in the legs.

In addition to the main substances, the formula of liquid tights contains a number of additional components, so that they can be used as a care product. Manufacturers enrich the spray with extracts from medicinal plants, emollients, vitamins and minerals. This composition moisturizes and soothes the skin, normalizes blood circulation, heals minor injuries.

Spray Top Model Secret "Liquid tights" is very easy to use. It is sprayed onto clean, dry skin and evenly distributed with gentle movements. After this, you need to wait until the “tights” are completely dry. It is undesirable to dress immediately after applying the spray, otherwise traces may remain on the clothing.

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The three main colors of the “tights” are dark chocolate with a tan effect, a classic medium tone and a light shade. One bottle should be enough for at least 12 applications. It is compact and fits easily into a small women's purse. This means that at any time you can update the layer of "tights".

To clean the legs of the spray, no need to exert any effort. An ordinary soap or shower gel will suffice for this.

Women using liquid stockings are very pleased with this modern remedy. According to their reviews, the spray perfectly masks minor imperfections and has the ability to tighten the skin.

What are liquid tights

This unique substance is available in three forms: cream, lotion or spray. After even distribution on the skin of the legs, it seems that the woman put on stockings or tights.

Such an effect is possible due to a carefully thought-out combination of components (reflective elements, bronzer). Once on the skin, the substance very quickly forms an ultra-thin film that perfectly withstands external influences and retains a beautiful appearance under any conditions.

Components for effective foot care (vitamins, angry tea and other natural ingredients) are often added to the main substance.

Bronzers provide the feet with an even, attractive shade. Reflective particles create the illusion of real pantyhose and help mask small cosmetic defects in the skin of the legs.

Price Top Model Secret and where to buy liquid tights

Buy virtual tights Top Model Secret or not - this is your personal choice. They will not bring any harm to your skin, and their cost is quite affordable. Therefore, you do not risk anything, the price of liquid tights is less than a thousand rubles and you can already buy them in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Experience the effects of this innovative product, and it may become an indispensable tool for all occasions.

Buy liquid tights Top Model

What are liquid stockings for?

This modern development is simply necessary for a business woman who has to adhere to a certain style even in extremely hot summer weather.

In addition, virtual tights will be appropriate at a gala event, a corporate party, a nightclub and an expensive restaurant. Your image will be impeccable, and you will not experience any inconvenience. Feel confident and attractive always!

True, it is worth considering that you can not hide too obvious flaws with liquid stockings. They perfectly help with small age spots, varicose vessels, freckles and uneven tanning. If on the legs there are severe bruises and other noticeable flaws, then it is better to hide them in another way.

Features of application and instruction

“Wear” virtual stockings Top Model Secret every girl can easily:

  • First you need to decide on a suitable shade. Do not buy a spray that is much lighter or darker than the color of your skin. Light "tights" will have to be applied in a thick layer, but it will not look natural. A too dark color will contrast sharply with other exposed areas of the skin.
  • Before applying the spray, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  • Women with experience in using such “tights” note that it is better not to spray them, but to apply on the skin with your hands.
  • The method of application depends on the manufacturer. Some funds themselves lie evenly, while others need to be carefully distributed.
  • Having processed the legs with the composition, you need to wait at least 10 minutes. The spray should dry completely and form a film.
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Pros and cons of virtual tights

Modern means to create the effect of tights have a lot of advantages:

  • They give the legs an attractive appearance.
  • Mask minor flaws.
  • Wash off without effort with ordinary soap.
  • Top Model Secret completely harmless to sensitive skin.
  • When used correctly, do not leave marks on clothing.
  • They do not feel at all on their feet, even in very hot weather.
  • They are characterized by increased moisture resistance and are suitable for rainy times.

But this tool also has its drawbacks:

  • Poor compositions from dubious manufacturers stain clothes.
  • Expressed cosmetic defects with liquid tights cannot be hidden.
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