LumiDerm brightening facial peeling from pigmentation

Unique bio-peeling Lumidermdesigned to combat acne, black spots and all kinds of wrinkles. This tool will help to forget about the problem of dry skin and restore its structure. Allows you to relieve fatigue and get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Take advantage of the Lumiderm peeling and feel younger! Time is no longer power over the health of your skin!

Lumiderm intended for home use. Peeling appeared on sale after many years of developing a cosmetic product. We can safely say that scientists have made a breakthrough in the field of makeup products. Now each representative of the fair sex has the opportunity to purchase a professional body care product and forget about regular procedures in the beauty salon.

Lumiderm peeling provides an excellent result: healthy, toned, elastic, smooth and velvety skin. This is the ultimate dream for any woman! Peeling helps to thoroughly cleanse the skin of keratinized cells, slows down the aging process of the skin.

Lumiderm has repeatedly proven to be highly effective in clinical trials. With age, human skin becomes more sensitive to environmental conditions, poor-quality cosmetic products, and physiological changes in the body. This natural product is perfect for all skin types. Lumiderm has the necessary quality certificates and is completely legal in our country.

Lumiderm vial 30 ml

Peeling Design

Initially, the bio-peeling task Lumiderm consisted in effectively eliminating skin pigmentation and the effects of acne. The creator of Lumiderm Huxley (Great Britain) did not even suggest that his invention could have a wider range of applications. Clinical testing results showed that 100% of subjects showed partial smoothing of deep wrinkles. Here it’s worth going over to the specifics and recalling the numbers: wrinkles decreased by 70%. Lumiderm accelerates the exchange of matter (skin metabolism), which contributes to its rejuvenation. Along with this, the intensity of collagen production increases. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and clean.

Where can I buy Lumiderm with delivery

Buy Lumiderm possible in all CIS countries, the price of bio-peeling Lumiderm indicated on the official website of the manufacturer and is 99 rubles. To purchase, simply submit an application by filling in the contact details, after which the store manager will contact you. Confirm your order and don't worry about anything. Delivery is carried out to the address indicated by you.

Buy Lumiderm for skin peeling

What problems does peeling solve?

Before identifying which skin problems it successfully fights Lumiderm, reviews of real users about the purchased product were studied in detail. It follows from them that peeling has confirmed its effectiveness in the treatment of skin ailments such as:

  • Pigmentation;
  • Scars and traces of acne;
  • Facial wrinkles;
  • Rosacea;
  • Comedones;
  • Couperosis;
  • Freckles;
  • Unhealthy / uneven skin color.

After using peeling, the skin of the face and body becomes smooth, attractive and even.

Properties and possibilities of biopilling lumiderm

Lumiderm composition

  • Grapefruit, lemon and raspberry extract. Effectively nourish the skin, relieve dryness. The tool is absorbed inside and fills the subcutaneous layer with useful substances that give the cells a “new life”.
  • Lactic acid and papaya extract. Intend for gentle cleansing of the skin and its quick recovery. Remove dead cells and prevent further peeling of the skin. Saturate tissues with useful substances and O2. These components cope with such a problem as age spots.
  • Provitamin B5 and allantoin. They have a relaxing and calming effect on the skin. Eliminate inflammation and irritation. The surface of the skin becomes smooth and attractive, because the pores are narrowed and visually invisible. Normalize the release of sebum.

Youth and skin health are not eternal. Changing the structure of the skin is an individual process, but at a certain age, the problems remind of themselves. Everything necessary is required to restore the natural production of collagen. Lumiderm will do just fine with this. It comprehensively affects cells and tissues, charging them with necessary vital energy. It will help restore skin on various parts of the body in the shortest possible time.

How does work Lumiderm and instruction

Affordable price Lumiderm and its high quality - these are the main factors influencing the great consumer demand. Let's consider how peeling works:

  1. During the procedure, active substances enter the skin.
  2. Through the pores, they penetrate the subcutaneous layer.
  3. There is a natural and gentle exfoliation.
  4. Cells and tissues are energized.
  5. Natural collagen is produced.
  6. The skin tone is leveled.
  7. Coarse folds are smoothed out, age spots, acne disappear.

Previously, dermatological problems such as rosacea, pigmentation, scars and comedones were eliminated only through expensive and professional chemical peels. Comprehensive procedures could amount to tens of thousands of rubles, but not all were happy with the result. Give your skin the opportunity to rejuvenate and shine with renewed vigor!

Rules for using this peeling product

  • Cleanse pores from cosmetics and dirt. For these purposes, you can use a special cleansing gel Lumiderm and follow the instructions.
  • Wash yourself with plain water without using lotions or other chemicals.
  • Apply on face and neck. In order not to damage the skin around the eyes, avoid contact with too sensitive a zone.
  • Leave the product for 10 minutes. Rinse off the remaining peeling with warm water, let the skin dry naturally (without using a towel).
  • Use serum for problem areas. Apply and rub slowly into the skin. Wait 10 minutes.
  • Apply youth activator and rub thoroughly into the skin. This is how collagen is delivered to the deeper layers of the skin.
  • Apply a thin layer of cream to the area around the eyes and gently rub.
  • To achieve the desired effect and maintain the achieved result, repeat the 2-3 procedure once a week. Your skin will look amazing!

Complex Lumiderm recommended for use by women of any age. As for the type of skin, the peeling is universal and suits everyone without exception.

Effect from application Lumiderm

  • Revitalizes cells and tissues of the skin;
  • Eliminates post-acne problems;
  • Eliminates minor and deep wrinkles;
  • Eliminates rosacea;
  • Lumiderm gives the skin strength and energy;
  • Tones and enriches with vitamins;
  • Saturates the skin with beneficial substances;
  • Stimulates the natural production of collagen;
  • Relieves fatigue, restores skin;
  • It forms a reliable protective layer of nutrients;
  • Smoothes irregularities of the skin;
  • Provides lasting results.


Actually Lumiderm has no contraindications. Natural bio-peeling is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and skin type. The only note: it is not recommended to apply the product on the skin around the eyes.

Expert opinion and advice from Obzoroff

Modern peels can not always boast of a gentle composition. In view of this, I advise my patients to approach the choice of funds as carefully as possible. Poor peeling can injure the surface of the skin and lead to unpleasant problems. Some “therapeutic” compounds provoke allergies and the appearance of acne. Bio peeling Lumiderm has a different principle of action. It effectively nourishes the skin, saturates it with collagen, cleanses from black spots and spots. This is a professional skin protection at home.

There are many reasons when visible and not beautiful pigment spots may appear on the skin. To deal with them, it is necessary to determine the cause of their education. Usually, such questions are addressed to cosmetologists or doctors, you can use the latest technology. But all this is either a long time or not affordable. Then a home first-aid kit of proven and reliable recipes comes to the rescue.

For the best skin lightening cream with cucumber juice is quite suitable. Such a cream is not difficult to do on your own, chopping a cucumber and adding honey. Creams with viburnum juice have a whitening effect. Such a cream is also prepared from homemade products. You should mix one small spoonful of juice and a whole glass of plain but pure water. Add any cream you use there.

Parsley cream is also good. It is necessary to take fresh juice from parsley, pour lemon juice and a little honey here. In this liquid, add sour cream, you can milk. The result is a perfect cream, different in fat content. This drug should be applied in the evening. Citric acid and parsley make the spots begin to whiten slowly. Well, honey and milk smooth out many fruit acids.

Homemade creams are capable of tinting the skin. For people whose skin looks pale enough and has enough pigmented spots on it, the following cream is suitable. It contains ordinary carrot, grated finely and the remaining coffee grounds. If you often apply such a cream, the skin will be darker, and you get something like a tan. Accordingly, problem spots on the face area will not stand out so brightly.

In order for there to be a visible effect from the application, it is necessary that this application be of the order of a couple of months. Sometimes the sun is the cause of this disease. Therefore, experts recommend in the summer, during the heat, lubricate the whole body with special sunblock. Another folk and healing remedy is strawberries and currants (preferably red). To do this, they must be crushed, and only then, if necessary, lay in any cream with nutritious pigments.

Age pigment skin is treated with a light cream based on dandelion. It is necessary to pour dandelions with boiled milk, one glass will do. Then strain and the cream is ready for use, without contraindications. It is recommended to lubricate in the morning and evening.

Kudryavtseva Irina Stanislavovna, dermatologist, Moscow.

Customer Reviews About Lumiderm

Maria, 46 years:

15 days using bio-peeling Lumiderm, clearly follow the instructions. The skin condition has changed in a positive way. I’m really younger, but I want more results - I continue treatment.

Natalia, 52 of the year:

The older you get, the more useless the usual products from the store, and you always want to have fresh and beautiful skin! Saved by Lumiderm. I finally got rid of the pigment spot near the eyebrow, noticed a general improvement in the color and condition of the skin.

Anna, 44 of the year:

Small wrinkles completely disappeared, and deep ones became less noticeable. This can not but rejoice!

Hope, 30 years:

I sleep badly at night. Either a little daughter cries, then I sit up late with a side job. Tired of masking circles under the eyes with a tonalka (!) - I switched to more decisive action. I use peeling and serum Lumiderm. Now I do not look tired, it has become easier to appear in public. Great complex!

Irina, 37 years:

Help yourself keep your youth! My personal experience: I use Lumiderm for about 30 days. During this time, the scar on the forehead healed, pigmentation decreased. The skin is soft, smooth, light. The result is definitely happy!

Types of Peelings

Peeling is a skin cleansing procedure using special formulations. As a result, the face becomes more fresh, younger, its color - uniform. The main task of the procedure is to get rid of the upper stratum corneum of cells, which interferes with the normal access of oxygen, clogs the pores and can cause acne at any age.

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Modern cosmetology would not be one of the most developed industries if it had not offered several types of peeling at once. As a result, everyone can choose the best option for their skin type, its condition and, of course, wallet.

All peels by the nature of their impact are divided into several groups:

  1. Chemical.
  2. Physical.
  3. Biological.
  4. Mechanical.
  5. Ultrasound.
  6. Laser

Each has its pros and cons, so it should always be selected individually.

  • Chemical peeling. The basis of this method is the ability of acids and alkalis to literally dissolve keratinous scales. The procedure looks simple. A special composition is applied to the face, the set time is maintained, then removed. Interestingly, experts recommend that alkaline peels be preferred because they are more gentle. However, women tend to ignore this moment. The fact is that acid compositions give a more pronounced effect.
    All chemical peels can be divided into three types according to the depth of exposure:
  1. Deep. This is the toughest facial cleansing. The mere fact that it is carried out exclusively in a hospital, under anesthesia and under the supervision of a resuscitator is enough to understand the seriousness of the procedure. Plus, phenol is at the heart of the remedies for this peeling - and, to put it bluntly, poison. Another point - a huge rehabilitation period, which can take up to six months. As a result of all the torment, a person gets a fresher and smoother face, the effect lasts for a long time.
    2. Median. Here, the main active ingredients are salicylic, trichloroacetic or retinoic acid. They are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. They are used to improve complexion, increase skin elasticity. This peeling perfectly removes age spots and small scars (like acne).
  2. Surface. This is a peeling using fruit and lactic acids. It is quite gentle, already on the second day in most patients the skin returns to normal, redness disappears. The procedure is indicated for young skin, without pronounced wrinkles, until about 35 years. After it, the complexion improves, the skin becomes more even, visible defects are reduced.
    It must be remembered that after chemical peeling, the skin can not be exposed to the sun, so it is not recommended to do it in the summer.
  • Mechanical peeling. The essence of the procedure is that the skin is exfoliated due to friction with solid microparticles. These are, for example, scrubs, which are sold in all cosmetic stores. But there is also a more stringent salon procedure - removal of the keratinized layer using a special metal brush.
  • Ultrasonic peeling. As the name implies, this is the effect of ultrasound. It is carried out in salons and promises the effect of rejuvenation.
  • Physical peeling. The effect of rejuvenation is achieved by exposing the skin to very low temperatures. In salons, dry ice or liquid nitrogen is used for this. As a result of this exposure, the skin gets a kind of frostbite and is forced to actively respond - that is, renew itself. The effect is not instantaneous, but lasting.
  • Laser peeling. The procedure is carried out by treating the skin with a laser beam. Its power can be regulated, therefore, the depth of exposure is different. Efficiency depends on the characteristics of the skin, so it is not always possible to predict the result.
  • Biological peeling. This species is similar to the chemical one, only enzymes act as the main active substances. With their help, the skin is perfectly cleansed and moisturized at the same time, and this contributes to this LumiDerm.

Choose the best option for peeling should be a professional cosmetologist who can take into account all the features of the skin.

Difficulties in choosing the right peeling

Peeling is the best way to almost instantly transform your skin, restore its radiance, cleanse it of impurities and prepare for applying creams. However, there are many types of this procedure, so it will be useful to figure out which one, to whom and in what cases is most suitable.

  • Peelings for home use. One of the most popular types of peelings is mechanical, namely, scrubs for home use. You can find a huge number of them on sale. The main difference between them usually lies in the fact that the role of the abrasive substances are natural or synthetic components. Interestingly, in this case, naturalness is rather a minus. The fact is that usually various fruit seeds (apricot, grapes) are taken as the basis, even when crushed into small crumbs, they still easily injure the skin, because they can have sharp edges. And what can we say about large fragments! Therefore, preference is best given to synthetics.
    Scrubs are perfect for oily and normal skin, but for owners of dry and sensitive skin, it is better to abandon them and turn their attention to peels based on fruit acids. They are also widely available. In principle, the effect of their use is similar to that of scrubs, only without a hard traumatic effect.
    Fruit acids are an essential component of aging skin care. She also does not accept the harsh effects of scrubs, so they are contraindicated for mature women. But peels stimulate the production of collagen and hyaluron, so it is much easier to stay fresh and radiant with them. In addition, skin freed from the cargo of the stratum corneum better absorbs beneficial substances from creams and masks.
    Scrubs and home peels are applied 1 - 2 once a week, depending on the type of skin. On oily - more often than it is drier - the less often it should be exposed to it.
    An important point is the cleansing of problem skin. Acne is formed at the site of clogged pores, so it is important to free them from all that is superfluous so that skin fat can freely go outside. However, a scrub in this case can only aggravate the situation, while soft peeling will be an excellent choice if you are concerned about seborrhea.
  • Salon peels. This type of skin cleansing has a rather deep and serious effect on it, so one of the main limitations here is in no case to undergo the procedure in the summer. The fact is that after processing the skin remains almost defenseless in front of its rays.
    One of the most popular treatments is surface chemical peeling. It allows women with any type of skin to make it smoother, get rid of minor imperfections. The method is suitable for young skin, since it will not save from serious problems. The procedure must be repeated several times to achieve the desired effect.
  • Aged women prefer median peeling. It allows you to make quite pronounced wrinkles almost invisible and gives a long effect. Of course, deep peeling could be considered the most effective, if not for the complexity of the procedure, a lot of restrictions and possible side effects. Experts recommend resorting to this species in especially difficult cases and only after 50 years.
  • Laser peeling. If the skin has pronounced pigmentation, scars or stretch marks, then cleansing the face in this case requires them to be eliminated or minimized. To achieve the desired result, it is worth giving preference to laser resurfacing.

Modern peeling method Lumiderm It is absolutely painless, almost never cause allergic reactions and allows you to use it in conjunction with chemical methods of skin cleansing.

How to choose a peeling by skin type?

Peeling will solve many skin problems, but only if you choose the right kind of procedure. It is not for nothing that cosmetologists work in every serious salon or clinic, whose task is to determine the type of client’s skin, its condition and the issues that need to be addressed.

To begin with, any type of skin needs regular exfoliation. This helps her function normally and look great. All women know that cosmetics is an individual matter, and the use of peeling Lumiderm is no exception.

Let's figure out which species is best to give preference:

  1. The most common case is combination skin. This means that in the T-zone it has a pronounced bold character, but in the rest of the face it is normal. Here, the best option is peeling based on enzymes or fruit acids. Their main task is to reduce the rate of fat secretion by stabilizing the activity of the sebaceous glands. They narrow the pores very well and dry the skin, helping to avoid inflammation. Owners of oily skin can also safely resort to such remedies.
  2. Dry skin needs especially gentle care. It is very easy to injure, cause redness, peeling, allergic reactions. Therefore, to work with her, experts recommend using lactic acid. Its main advantage is that it is not a foreign substance for the human body, so it does not react to it as violently and negatively as most other chemical compounds used in cosmetology. Lactic acid easily penetrates the upper layers of the skin, gently cleanses them and moisturizes at the same time.
  3. For people with problem skin prone to acne and irritation, salicylic peels are best. This acid is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, it is able to destroy bacteria and microbes, relieve inflammation and dry pimples. To achieve the result, you must complete a full course of procedures. It is noteworthy that the effect of them will not be temporary. The fact is that salicylic acid perfectly strengthens cellular immunity, so if new inflammations bother you, then not soon.
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It is important to use this information when choosing for yourself and home remedies.

The choice of peeling and the relationship with age

In determining the method of exposure to the skin, it is important to consider a factor such as age. The fact is that over time, the problems that need to be solved during the procedure change. What is effective for young skin can be completely useless for mature skin.

Let's see what procedures are recommended depending on age:

  1. Young skin does not need serious interventions. They are even contraindicated to her. Quite enough ordinary soft peels used at home.
  2. By the 30 years, the first facial wrinkles usually begin to appear, the skin sometimes lacks its former brightness, it becomes more dull, not so elastic. In this case, median peels are very effective, but often enough surface ones.
  3. After 35-40 years, the skin of women, especially those living in big cities, begins to signal more serious help. During this period, it is high time to adopt middle and, periodically, deep peels.
  4. The best friends of mature skin are deep peels.

It must be remembered that the seasons for peeling are not an empty phrase. If a slight effect is allowed in the summer, then a deep one - only in winter.

Very often, women are not concerned with the general condition of the skin, but with some individual problems. You can also cope with them by correctly choosing the type of peeling. Only a doctor can do this after a thorough examination.

Homemade Whitening Face Mask Recipes

Every woman wants to look not only young, but also fresh and flirty, no matter how old she is. But expensive beautician procedures by professional cosmetologists are not affordable for everyone, but there is, unfortunately, enough time for sleep only. Here we are helped by all sorts of cool and easy-to-prepare masks that can be really made at home, and they will cost much less than in beauty salons, and they will be no less effective. The main leaders today are always bleaching face masks, like Lumiderm, Botox Active Expert, Miracle Glow, Welltoxwhich perfectly refresh, tone and relieve a face of undesirable age pigment and other spots.

Recipes for oily skin with a whitening effect

These mixtures will help any girl or woman to get rid of age spots, freckles, unwanted tanning or the effects of unsuccessful peeling, which were carried out by the same cosmetologists in expensive beauty salons. Photos and videos of all these not very beautiful manifestations on the most visible area of ​​the body can be viewed on many sites on the World Wide Web, and understand that it looks not only unattractive, but also ugly, so homemade masks will always come to the rescue.
For example, a clay mask is one of the simplest to prepare:

  • Chamomile decoction (you just need to buy a pharmacy chamomile at any pharmacy;
  • One tablespoon of clay (colorless, green, pink);
  • We mix everything to a homogeneous mass and evenly distribute it over the affected areas of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. We hold the mass for about seven minutes and rinse with clean cool water. If the epidermis is very sensitive, then before applying it is better to use a nutritious (preferably for children) cream, and make a test application to the area behind the earlobes.
    Green clay is optimal for problematic and oily skin, as it is rich in various macronutrients known to everyone. And pink should be used by ladies of Balzac's age, since it copes well with age-related changes on the face (small wrinkles, spots).

The yeast mask is rich in elements and vitamins of the well-known group B, which perfectly tone the epithelium of the face and body. To get the mask, you need to mix just a bag of dry yeast and milk. Some people think that citric acid can be added as a supplement, but it is better not to do it with lemon. Having chosen milk, you need to mix it in gradually - slowly, until you get a thick, homogeneous mass, like sour cream. We smear this wonderful mixture on the face and let it stand for 35 minutes, wash it off only with simple warm water without using any soap or products like shower gels.

A mask made of lemon and an ordinary product under the well-known name "Hydrogen peroxide" will become one of the indispensable for the care of the face epithelium, because it is the best. You need to mix a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice with a beaten egg and ten drops of peroxide (3%). With a sponge (this is the so-called cotton pad) we blot the face, and after 30 minutes we wash it off with mineral water (you need to buy it in any store in advance). Be sure to apply a nourishing cream, since this procedure dries out the epidermis well. This moisturizing "protection" will be very useful for women of any age category.

Cleansing masks

In order for the skin to always look young, beautiful, and fresh, it is necessary to alternate a mask with a whitening effect Miracle Glow and with a cleansing (that is, they are used in turn, and not the same for several days in a row). Skin cleansing recipes are as follows:

  1. Oatmeal mask. Suitable not only for oily, but also combination skin, and it is prepared as easy as shelling pears. A spoon of this well-known popular cereal is brewed with boiling water and, of course, insisted. When the porridge cools down, apply the mixture to the face and wash off after 20 minutes. For dry skin, instead of water, you can use milk (the usual - food, this is the secret that you do not need to buy expensive products).
  2. Masks made of blue and red clay. They perfectly clean the epidermis, thanks to which it is cleansing. So, such masses are suitable for almost all ladies, and it's easy to prepare them. At home, dilute the two types of clay, add a little water, but so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Apply to affected areas and rinse off with mineral water after 7 minutes.

Popular mask of parsley and sour cream

Everyone knows that natural ingredients are always much better than synthetic ones, especially if a person has grown them on his own in his own garden near the house or in the country. The use of such ingredients for skin whitening is undeniably the leader among the similar. A parsley and sour cream mask is an excellent option for those who want to get a quick effect to restore elasticity, freshness and whiteness of the epithelium.

Mix the chopped bunch of parsley leaves with a tablespoon of ordinary (even homemade) sour cream. Apply to face and neck. After 35 minutes, rinse with cool running water (it is allowed to use water from a tap at room temperature).

Cucumber mix for face

Masses based on fresh cucumbers perfectly nourish the skin and give it velvety, shine and elasticity. From acne, such mixtures are usually not made, because they are suitable as moisturizers. Combine the cucumber and lemon juices in equal proportions and spread them over the face with a sponge (the same cotton pad). After 35 minutes, rinse with cool water. Cucumber mask is really cool, as it is easy to prepare, and the ingredients are always at hand.

It is best used for oily skin. On various videos on the Internet, any girl can see in detail how cucumbers should be chopped correctly, after which how to apply this tasty and healthy product to the most visible part of the body - the face.

If you notice that your skin needs care and nourishment - do not hesitate! Read reviews, take action! As you already understood, to prepare a mask at home, you do not need special tools, skills, components and ingredients. It is enough to open the refrigerator or pantry, and make a mask of what is.

And which one, you can choose based on the type of your skin, just choose effective ones, depending on what you want to get. Looking good, and at the same time not spending money on expensive salons, is quite real, and completely uncomplicated. In addition, during the procedures you always have a choice: do other things while the mask yourself can say “cares” for your face, or fully enjoy the process.

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Dermatologist Bazilevskaya (Genina) Anna Evgenievna, a certified trainer in laser technology, has more than 13 years of practical experience in the specialty of dermatologist.

Practical experience of the doctor allows her to easily remove warts and perform "facial contouring." Also, having the experience of a cosmetologist, she can correct any age-related changes in her patient and perform a facial rejuvenation surgery.

Anna Evgenievna Bazilevskaya is the author of many feature articles on cosmetology, rejuvenation, treatment of various skin diseases and detoxification of the body.

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