Paste Epilage for hair removal and hair growth retardation

The latest development of cosmetologists - paste Epilage not only facilitates the hair removal process, but also slows down further hair growth, provides gentle skin care. The tool was tested in a dermatological laboratory, and then successfully passed a series of clinical trials. Women participating in the studies noted the ease of use of the paste. Epilage and its complete safety for sensitive skin.

Pasta tests showed the following results:

  • More than 80% of the participants noted that after the treatments with Epilation there was a noticeable slowdown in hair growth.
  • About 70% of women observed a change in the structure of the hairs, making them easier to remove.
  • 96% reported significant improvement in skin condition.
  • Almost all women (99%) stated that they had made their choice in favor of Epilage and would no longer use wax, razor or electric epilator.

Many positive reviews about Epilage left the stars of the Russian Business Show in Gossip magazine, and also there are comments from those who were helped by this depilation paste.Paste Epilage for easy hair removal

Many people consider hair removal unsafe, and it really is. During this unpleasant and extremely painful procedure, an infection can be introduced into the skin, which threatens a serious complication - inflammation of the axillary and inguinal lymph nodes.

Paste developers Epilage make sure that the product is completely safe and does not cause side effects. Removing hair with this paste does not require extra effort and does not cause any discomfort. You can easily make your skin perfect, and you can confidently wear open summer dresses.

A whole team of scientists took part in the development of the innovative tool. Specialists carefully selected the components for the paste and in the laboratory studied their combined effect. The result was a combination of natural ingredients that allows you to effectively perform hair removal on the most sensitive areas of the skin. The finished product has passed a number of clinical trials in which ordinary women took part.

After testing the paste, all participants in the study left excellent reviews about it. Most of them not only managed to get rid of unwanted hair on the skin, but also to stop their further growth. That is, pasta Epilage really a very effective tool, and there is no deception here. Moreover, the leading preparation for hair removal was highly appreciated by leading cosmetologists from many countries of the world.

Where can I buy Epilage and how much does it cost

At the moment, Epilage paste for epilation has not yet been delivered to the pharmacy chain and to specialized stores. Buy original Epilage You can only in the online store on the manufacturer’s website, it is very easy to fill out an application, for this you need:

  • Go to the site.
  • Examine the information.
  • Fill out a special form.
  • Click on the "order" button.

Exercise extreme caution and do not place orders on dubious Internet resources. This paste is sold only on the official website of the manufacturer. All the details you are interested in can be discussed with a consultant using the feedback function.

If you decide to use paste, it is better not to postpone the purchase until later. After all, right now there is a special offer, and the product can be purchased with a huge discount - 55% Price Epilage for Russians at the moment it is only 989 Russian rubles, check the cost in other countries on the site. There is no need to make an advance payment - the purchase is paid upon receipt of the parcel.

Buy pasta Epilage for hair depilation

Buy Epilage at a discount you can also in Romania, the price of goods 120 Romanian leu.

Paste Epilage for hair removal and hair growth retardation

Within 15 minutes after placing the order, the company manager calls the customer’s contact number and specifies the delivery address of the goods.

Advantages Epilage before other means

The main advantage of this paste in comparison with other means is its completely natural composition. The product formula includes only herbal substances that gently care for the skin and improve its condition. When using wax, you have to endure severe discomfort: the procedure is painful, scars and irritation may occur at the epilation site.Advantages Epilage before other means

Now there is a simple opportunity to avoid all these troubles. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the benefits of the product, and then it will become clear why it is better to refuse other methods of hair removal. So, the latest development of cosmetologists Epilage distinguished by such advantages:

  • Ideal for any type of dermis, does not cause allergies and irritation, even in people with sensitive skin.
  • It contains beneficial substances, thanks to which the skin is nourished and moisturized. Therefore, drying out, itching and peeling after the procedure are excluded.
  • Using paste does not cause pain and discomfort, it is easy and convenient to perform the procedure.
  • The tool is absolutely safe for the human body, since there are no chemical additives in its composition.
  • It can be used on areas with the most delicate skin: upper lip, armpits, bikini zone.
  • Suitable for removing very short bristles, so the procedure can be performed without waiting until the hairs grow to a certain length.
  • The paste is easy to apply and remove.
  • It does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Due to the special consistency does not remain on the skin.
Obzoroff  Redlock - Cream for depilation and slow hair growth

Now you have the opportunity to save your time and not think about unpleasant hair removal procedures every few days. You can get rid of vegetation on the skin without any side effects. Forget about pimples, itching, irritation and ingrown hairs forever. Take advantage of the new paste and enjoy soft, smooth skin for four weeks.

As a result of the use of conventional hair removal tools, the following problems often arise:

  • Peeling, redness.
  • Severe itching.
  • Soreness.
  • Pustules.
  • Ingrown hair.
  • Ugly darkening on the skin.
  • Fast regrowing hair that becomes stiffer and thicker.

In addition, after the procedure of normal hair removal, serious complications can occur:

  • Non-compliance with hygiene rules leads to the development of bacterial infections, and inflammatory processes begin in the body.
  • As a result of inflammation, the lymph nodes in the groin and armpits increase.
  • After removal of the ingrown hairs, annoying cosmetic defects remain in the form of scars and scars.

These statistics are disappointing: conventional hair removal does not bring the desired result in 7 of 10 cases. This means that most women experience a lot of problems, including discomfort and skin irritation, fast growing hair, bad mood and dissatisfaction with their appearance.

That's why leading cosmetologists recommend abandoning old, poorly proven drugs, and opt for Epilation.

The composition of the paste Epilage for depilation

The formula of this modern drug is a combination of these components:

  • Anthracite coal has absorbing properties, absorbing and removing all toxic components from the skin. In addition, he fights pathogens, relieves inflammation, removes itching, and exfoliates dead skin particles.
  • Turmeric slows down hair regrowth, has antibacterial properties, and has an immunostimulating effect.
  • Menthol is a natural pain reliever, reduces sensitivity, makes epilation comfortable, soothes the skin, has a pleasant cooling effect.
  • Peppermint oil complements the action of menthol, prevents inflammation, stimulates blood circulation in tissues, tones and refreshes the skin.
  • Sandalwood oil is used in many traditional medicine recipes due to its pronounced antibacterial effect. Relieves inflammation, moisturizes the skin and prevents it from flaking.The composition of the paste for depilation Epilage

How does depilation paste work?

We will tell more about the principle of paste Epilageso that it becomes clear what is associated with its high efficiency and how it works in practice for hair removal.

When the paste layer is on the skin, the active ingredients enter the hair follicles and help soften them. After this, the hairs are easily removed from the skin along with the roots. At the same time, peeling of the treated areas occurs with the removal of keratinized particles. Therefore, the skin in the area of ​​hair removal becomes soft, smooth and healthy.

During the procedure, cleansing and narrowing of the pores occurs, which excludes infection and the development of the inflammatory process. Vegetable oils soothe the dermis and accelerate tissue repair.

Regular procedures using Epilage weaken the hair follicles, as well as change the structure of the hair. They will become thin, light, soft and almost invisible. Their growth after each session will be more and more slow until, finally, it stops completely.The principle of the paste

Present in the composition of the paste Epilage vitamins and elements will have a beneficial effect on the dermis. After the first application, you will notice positive changes - the skin will become elastic, soft and velvety. In addition, this agent is able to activate blood circulation in tissues. That is, at the same time as epilation, you carry out the prevention of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Depilatory Instructions Epilage

To perform the procedure correctly, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Means Epilage (which is available in powder form) must be diluted in equal amounts in hot water.
  • Then the composition is mixed well to get a thick paste-like substance.
  • The finished paste is applied in the direction of hair growth using a special spatula.
  • Now you need to wait for 15 minutes.
  • When the paste completely hardens, in one quick movement it is removed against hair growth.
  • Then a cosmetic cream with a calming effect is applied to the skin.
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Repeat the sessions when the need arises, and over time it will have to be done less and less and you will be able to achieve such an effect from depilation as in the photo below.paste result Epilage Before and after


The composition of the paste Epilage only natural active ingredients are included. The tool has been repeatedly tested, and all studies have confirmed its complete safety. Therefore, the paste has few contraindications. These include:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Varicose expansion in a neglected form.
  • Traumatic skin lesions or burns.

How to protect yourself from fake

Since Epilage very popular, fakes began to appear on the cosmetic market. Such products are sold at a reduced price and do not have documents confirming the quality.

On the packages with counterfeit there is no logo of the manufacturer, there is no complete information about the composition, registration number is not indicated. The best way to protect yourself from a low-quality fake is to order the drug on the official website of the company.

Buy pasta Epilage

Varieties of depilation

Most modern girls do not like the rich vegetation on their bodies. Therefore, they resort to all sorts of ways to remove it in undesirable places. There are two options for hair removal - depilation and hair removal.

Today we talk about depilation. It involves the removal of the hair by various methods for a while. Then the hair begins to grow again. However, with the repeated use of some types of this procedure, the hairs still begin to grow at a slower rate and in a smaller volume.

In addition, they become thinner, which makes them less noticeable. Let's look at the varieties of this type of hair loss.

The most common and easiest way is a razor. He is also the cheapest. This is his plus. However, there are drawbacks here - the result does not last long (only a couple of days), after each shave the hair becomes coarser, cuts and irritation may occur.

The second way is wax. It is applied to the skin, and then it is sharply torn off along with unnecessary hair. Wax strips give a longer effect (up to several weeks). But the sensations during the procedure are not pleasant, one will have to endure. The length of the hairs before the procedure should be from 4 mm so that the wax can capture them. The disadvantage may be ingrown hairs that cause inflammatory processes.

An alternative method is sugar depilation or as it is also called - shugaring. The whole principle of the procedure is the same, but sugar paste is already used. It also hurts, but is said to be less painful than wax. With repeated use, the hair becomes smaller. There is also a condition: the length of the hairline must be more than 5-6 mm. And here you can’t get away from hair growth.

Move on. And then we have an epilator. This tool captures the hairs and tears them along with the roots. There are plenty of varieties of this electric device in various price categories. An effective way to ensure lasting results (somewhere 2-3 weeks). Yet here you can meet the problem of ingrown hair.

Another option is a special cream for painless hair removal. By acting with its components on the hair, namely keratin, it destroys the structure of the hair and it subsequently dies. But the root remains untouched, which results in renewed hair growth. Of the shortcomings, it can be noted that there are contraindications and this cream can cause allergies. However, the procedure is quick and painless.

So, any of the options has its positive and negative sides. Your choice of one or another depilation method will depend on what effect you want to achieve, as well as on your capabilities.

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Editor in Chief Obzoroff, a professional specialist in the field of medicine, cosmetology and dietetics. Writes and summarizes material written by medical practitioners.

Together with translators, he prepares articles for foreign readers based on materials prepared by the authors of the site with appropriate qualifications.

Project Manager Obzoroff He is a co-author of many articles on health and modern methods of treating common diseases, written together with experienced practitioners, whose biographies are located on the authors page.

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