Fertilizer Agroplant to increase yield

Agroplant It is an innovative fertilizer developed by the Research Institute of Problems of Russian Land Reclamation. This biofertilizer allows you to get a good crop in soils with reduced fertility, as well as in difficult climate conditions. If you use it on your personal plot, you can get an excellent harvest. The complex includes minerals and vitamins that protect the plant from pests and diseases throughout the season. In 2018 year in Russia Agroplant helped save about 189 thousand tons of the crop. Agroplant granular dietary supplement will increase the ripening rate by 70%.

Biofertilizer Agroplant for plant growth

Where to order and buy integrated biofertilizer Agroplant

Currently buy Agroplant in specialized agricultural stores there is no possibility, since it is not yet supplied to retail chains. An original high-quality product is sold directly by the manufacturer through its network of online stores.

The usual price of fertilizer Agroplant is 2150 Russian rubles. During the promotion period, you can order fertilizer at a reduced price. The cost of Agroplant fertilizer in Russia is 990 rubles, in Belarus - 29 rubles, in Ukraine - 300 hryvnia, and in Kazakhstan its price is 6000 tenge for 1 package.

Delivery is carried out as soon as possible by the postal service and the courier. It is not recommended to buy fertilizer Agroplant on questionable sites, as this is a proprietary product that is supplied by the manufacturer exclusively in its own online store.

Buy complex biofertilizer Agroplant

In the soil there are a large number of components that plants need for nutrition. However, a variety of natural phenomena can lead to the depletion of the earth, due to which plants will suffer from a lack of substances. Their growth will slow down, and productivity will decrease, the likelihood of developing various diseases will increase. Vegetation may even die if component shortages are excessively high.

Periodic top dressing is a great way to deal with this problem. With proper application of fertilizer Agroplant excellent results can be achieved. it is the only remedy that can protect the crop from any vagaries of nature, as well as harmful insects and bacteria. Top dressing is required to be performed regularly. It is advisable to do this once a month or two, but not more often, as crops can suffer from excess minerals.

Why choose biofertilizer Agroplant

Complex fertilizer Agroplant gives impressive results from use:

  • Potatoes. Yield growth by 48,7%, 2,2 times increased quantities of medium and large fractions. Germination increased by 30%.
  • Tomatoes Productivity is higher by 45%. There are more fruits by 40-120%. The fruit has become heavier by almost 10%.
  • Cucumbers Productivity increased by 79%. Fruiting began to advance on 1-2 a week earlier. Seeds germinate by 38% better.
  • Cabbage. Productivity increased by 18-22%. Growth has become more active. The density of the head is increased.
  • Flowers The buds are bigger and stronger.
  • Fruit trees. Yields increased: pears - 35%, apples - 26%, cherry - 19%, plum - 21%, tangerines - 28%, grapes - 20%.

An important advantage of fertilizer Agroplant is in the absence of any harmful components in its composition, therefore the fruits after the application of the Agroplant can be consumed in any quantity without any health risks.

Result of application Agroplant

Composition Agroplant

Plant growth bioactivator Agroplant Is an innovative product containing three basic components in the composition:

  • Litterplant complex. Includes micro and macro elements necessary for plants. One of the substances is squeezing from the litter of Ga Dong of Taon hens, so that plants can receive maximum carbon dioxide.
  • Wood ash from rare species of deciduous plants. It consists of hardwood ash that can form favorable conditions for microorganisms in the soil. Helps to increase the resistance of plants, promotes flowering and the active formation of fruits.
  • Flao bacteria. Improve the mineral composition of the soil due to its saturation with useful components. Strengthen the root nutrition of plants.
Obzoroff  4K biofertilizer to increase yield and plant nutrition

Active work of fertilizer granules Agroplant begins after one watering. They are saturated with water, so they act on plants and the entire soil around.

The composition of the granules Agroplant

Fertilizer Agroplant allows you to get an excellent crop on soils with poor fertility, as well as in complicated climatic conditions. This is the only tool that can provide protection against frost, heavy rain, as well as other natural phenomena, insects and harmful bacteria.

Instructions for use Agroplant

Instructions for use Agroplant

Method of using plant growth activator Agroplant involves a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Sprinkle the granules in the seedling planting uniformly in 2-3 cm deep.
  2. The first 2 of the day requires abundantly watering the soil twice. This is necessary so that the granules absorb water and begin to act actively.
  3. When transplanting to the garden bed, add 1-2 pellets to the well. Do the same for the initial landing in the ground.
  4. Perennial plants (bushes, flowers, trees) can be dug at the roots according to 2-4 granules at 10-12 cm depth.

Advantages Agroplant

Fertilizer Agroplant allows you to get on 80% more seedlings sprouts than when using fertilizers: 1000 primer, Biogrow and 4K. Plant productivity and fruit size increase significantly. It can be used for different types of plants, including flowers, to get the best results from growing. Suitable for poorly depleted soils. It does not require additional use of any additional additives.

Secret action and effectiveness Agroplant

The secret of fertilizer action Agroplant

Biofertilizer Agroplant so effective for many reasons: this is not only a unique composition in which all components are selected in a certain ratio to achieve optimal results, but also a special form factor - finely divided granules. Such a solution is optimal, as it gives an excellent result from use.

Granules need to be laid in the holes during planting for large plants, or evenly dispersed over the area of ​​the beds, if we are talking about small plants. At the first stage, seedlings or seeds are fed to increase the percentage of germination to 80%. Each granule gradually turns out to be braided by the roots of plants, which gives the latter exactly those substances and elements that it needs at the current time. The action of the pellets lasts all season.

Fertilizer Agroplant contains a specialized complex of components that provide increased germination of seedlings, plant nutrition. Due to the presence of rare wood in the wood ash, stimulation of root formation is achieved. From beneficial bacteria, floo soil receives nutrition and improved performance. Granules in the sprinkling make it possible to enrich the soil, making it more loose, potassium and nitrogen are not washed out by water. Phosphorus is in the soil in an easily accessible form, which allows to increase the fertilizer utilization rate to 95%.

Customer and agronomist feedback on fertilizer use

According to agronomists Agroplant allows you to use the same site for planting different crops, so that, without pausing, annually get excellent yields. Vegetables and fruits not only grow and bear fruit better, but also become tastier, buyers of fertilizer Agroplant reported in their reviews.

Biofertilizer customer reviews Agroplant

Zaslavsky Mikhail Yuryevich, agronomist, experience of 24 of the year:

To date, many people have returned to such a thing as the cultivation of their gardens in the garden. I will try to talk about the differences between different types of fertilizers.

Advantages and disadvantages of organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers like Biogrow, Agromax, 4K are becoming increasingly popular among gardeners and gardeners. Nevertheless, gardeners must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using natural products in their gardens. On the one hand, organic type fertilizers consist of natural substances, but their properties are general. On the other hand, a chemical fertilizer, accurately prepared, contains many essential substances designed to improve plant growth.

Organic matter affects the formation of healthy soil. It should be noted that organic fertilizers are produced only from organic material, which makes it an excellent supplement in case of nutrient deficiency. Organic matter in fertilizer Agroplant also helps the soil retain moisture.

Gardeners depend on the quality of the land, as the soil is too hard or too soft will not effectively support the plant. Another great benefit of fertilizer Agroplant is that it increases the flow of air through the soil, which allows the roots of plants to breathe.

Organic fertilizer Agroplant is becoming more affordable, as anyone can buy it on the manufacturer's website, but for large gardens and vegetable gardens, its purchase is quite a costly affair. Many gardeners produce their own organic fertilizers through composting. However, this is a dirty, bad-smelling process that takes a long time.

The big advantage of organic granules in the composition Agroplant is that they release nutrients very slowly that are completely absorbed by plants. This is why organic fertilizer is not associated with the spread of algae and is more beneficial for the ecosystem.

In some cases, chemical fertilizers increase the acidity of the soil, and excess nutrients in the soil are not absorbed by plants. Organic fertilizers do not have this problem, as they slowly release nutrients at a rate that allows plants to fully absorb them naturally.

In addition, the disadvantage of chemical fertilizers is that the waters that flow from fields and gardens treated with chemical fertilizers cause violent growth of algae in rivers and lakes. Chemical fertilizers used in many fields and farms are not completely absorbed by plants. This creates a situation where the flow of water from rains or artificial irrigation collects excess fertilizer and carries it down to the nearest bodies of water, where it becomes easily accessible for algae.

Editorial Board Obzoroff.info hopes that this fertilizer review will be useful to you, and we will be waiting for feedback and comments on your successes in using Agroplant. This fertilizer will be useful when managing a private household, as it gives a large increase in productivity.

Send your video reports and photo of the crop after applying the bio-fertilizer Agroplant, and we will publish them as an addition to the material to confirm the accuracy of the information presented here.

Today we found what the fake fertilizer looks like. Agroplant and with pleasure we upload her photo:Fertilizer Agroplant fakeDear gardeners, be careful when ordering goods on questionable sites that lure visitors with low prices and promotions. Counterfeits of popular goods are now actively advertised on social networks, and many buyers do not notice this "scam" and can buy low-quality Agroplant fertilizer. Buy biofertilizer only on the official website and remember that the cost Agroplant cannot be lower than on the manufacturer’s website.

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