4K biofertilizer to increase yield and plant nutrition

Natural top dressing for 4K brand soil produced by Bioproduct Organic LLC "Bionatsiya" will significantly increase soil fertility, and, consequently, yield. The use of biofertilizer with flaobacteria contributes to the reliable protection of young shoots from the negative effects of pathogenic microflora, accelerates the ripening process of agricultural crops, and doubles fruiting. Thus, having made your choice in favor of the four-component biofertilizer 4K, you will use your land plot as efficiently as possible, receiving environmentally friendly products from it.

4K biofertilizer for plant growth

According to the manufacturers of 4K eco-fertilizer, the product has the following properties:

  • activation of shoot growth;
  • a significant increase in yield;
  • preventing the emergence and development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • suppression of the process of decay of the root system;
  • acceleration of crop ripening by an average of 15 days;
  • reliable protection against pests.

The undoubted advantage of the new drug is its exclusively natural composition based on organic substances. The test results have shown that, among other things, fertilization has a positive effect on the size of the fruits - after feeding, they become larger. It should be emphasized that fertilizer works effectively even in extreme climatic zones, enriching scarce soils. To obtain the proper result, it is enough to spend a couple of dressings per season.

How and where to buy 4K fertilizer and its price

You can buy 4K fertilizer only on the official website of the company. We recommend that you do not order bio-fertilizer on third-party Internet resources, which often offer counterfeit products that have nothing to do with the original fertilizer. It should be borne in mind that by ordering a product on the official website, you are guaranteed to receive high-quality, environmentally friendly fertilizer protected by appropriate certificates, while the price of 4K fertilizer will delight you.

Buy 4K Biofertilizer for 1 ruble

4K Fertilizer Details

It is no secret that a lot of effort is needed to get a plentiful harvest. However, often even careful adherence to all technologies for growing a particular product does not guarantee a proper result. Scanty and depleted soils are unable to provide high yields. In such cases, a new fertilizer 4K created by domestic agronomists can correct the situation. The composition of the fertilizer includes all microorganisms that contribute to the improvement and restoration of the fertile soil layer.

How the fertilizer acts on the soil and due to what the soil is restored

  • As a result of many years of research, Russian agronomists came to the conclusion that, in addition to chemical elements, certain organic bacteria influence the fertility of the soil, the absence of which causes scarce crops.
  • Bacteria act on the root system of plants, supplying them with trace elements contained in the soil. The presence of a sufficient number of microorganisms not only significantly increases productivity, but also has a positive effect on the palatability of fruits and vegetables.
  • A thorough analysis of the soil, carried out in laboratory conditions, showed that the level of fruiting is directly dependent on the number of microorganisms. Based on the results of the study, a new brand of complex fertilizers 4K with a high content of flo-bacteria was developed.

Innovative fertilizer appeared on the market recently, but has already managed to establish itself from the best side. The owners of summer cottages, who have tested 4K, are simply delighted - the productivity has doubled and even tripled, they have never received so many fruits and vegetables in their gardens.

The principle of the impact of 4K eco-fertilizer on the soil

As you know, crop yields are directly dependent on soil quality. On scarce, depleted soils, it is almost impossible to obtain quality products.

Numerous studies and analyzes have shown that the presence in the soil of a complete set of basic chemical trace elements is not enough to obtain abundant crops. In order for the soil to "work" in full force, it is necessary to add in the form of certain organic microorganisms that facilitate the penetration of vital nutrients into the plant roots. It is the presence of certain types of bacteria that gives rise to the process of symbiosis.

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It should be noted that the bacteria and other microorganisms necessary for the enrichment of the soil layer are contained in sufficient quantities in traditional peat fertilizers and vermicompost. However, the processing of a land plot with these types of fertilizers is associated with significant financial costs. So for the processing of 1 weave, up to 80 kilograms of traditional types of feeding are needed. It is not difficult to calculate how much it will cost to process a plot of several hundred parts. In addition, this amount of fertilizer must be delivered to your site, which is associated with additional costs.

An effective alternative to peat and vermicompost today is 4K fertilizer, which contains all the microorganisms necessary for the soil. At the same time, all 10 grams of 4K eco-fertilizer are enough to process a hundredth of a land plot.

Biofertilizer composition with flo bacteria

4K Biofertilizer contains the following components:

  • Concentrated humic acids that contribute to the growth of shoots, timely formation of ovaries, accelerated ripening of crops.
  • Biovolcanic lava, in the form of a powder component. Lava particles contribute to the release of heat, which significantly activates metabolic processes.
  • Phloo-bacteria that affect the root system of plants and initiate the occurrence of symbiosis.
  • Bioactive liquid. This component, which is responsible for the development and growth of beneficial bacteria, is necessary for restoration and enrichment of the soil, and optimization of its chemical composition.

Opinions of experts

According to agronomists familiar with the action of 4K fertilizer, the new preparation allows to fully reveal the genetic potential of plant development, which is often used by less than half. Eco-fertilization is able to neutralize the negative climatic effects on plants and the low potential of depleted soils.

Suffice it to say that 4K is a unique product of Russian production, capable of repeatedly increasing soil fertility. Productivity is doubled. It is very important that, unlike many other types of fertilizers, 4K does not contain synthetic components, which ensures complete safety of the drug.

Important! The main competitor is fertilizer Agroplant, which recently appeared on the agricultural market and has already managed to prove its effectiveness, thanks to a specially selected composition and a unique form factor in the form of granules, which allows to spend Agroplant more economically.

Benefits of Using 4K Biofertilizer

The regular use of innovative fertilizers leads to the following results:

  • yield increase regardless of climatic conditions;
  • improving taste;
  • reliable protection against pests;
  • cost savings.

4K fertilizer efficiency

Experts are surprised by the effectiveness of the new drug. Improving crop yields really exceeds all expectations. Among other things, the seed germination rate is increased significantly, ripening is accelerated for a couple of weeks, and the weight of the fruit increases by 20%.

Mode of application

4K fertilizer should be used in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions:

  • 1 a tablespoon of biofertilizer must be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Crops are irrigated every 2-3 weeks. A bucket of mortar is spent on processing 1 square meters of the land.
  • When planting potatoes, the tubers are soaked for 12 hours, tomato and cabbage seeds - for about two days, other crops - for a day.
  • Spraying with the drug is carried out during a period of intensive growth and flowering, after sunset.

4K fertilizer instructions for use

Implementation of 4K fertilizer for 1 rubles within the framework of the Federal Program “To Help Farmers”

Unfortunately, many gardeners and land owners are not aware that in the spring of 2017 the program “To help farmers” was launched. According to its terms, all citizens who own a land plot have the opportunity to buy 4K eco-fertilizer at a symbolic price of 1 to 99 rubles.

It is known that the Program is being implemented within the framework of the import substitution policy proclaimed by the Russian government, which started after the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions by the Western countries of the European Union. It was as a result of the sanctions policy pursued by the United States and the EU states that Russian specialists and agronomists of the relevant profile were tasked with developing a universal fertilizer with unique properties and containing flao bacteria.

The test results proved the highest efficiency of the latest fertilizer, which allows to achieve a significant increase in the yield of all types of plants, without the use of additional expensive preparations. To achieve optimal results, it is enough to apply 4K biofertilizer just a few times a season.

Interview with 4K bio-fertilizer agronomist

We talked in more detail about the latest development of Russian agronomists with Dr. Selkhoznauk, Professor Mikhail Valeryevich Chursin, who has been working in the industry for over 30 years.

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Journalist: Good afternoon, Mikhail Valerievich. Our first question about a new drug - is it really a unique product, analogues of which do not exist?

Professor Chursin: I think I will not be mistaken, calling the development of 4K a real breakthrough of Russian specialists. Analogues of the product neither in Russia nor in the West previously existed. This is a unique product that will interest both farmers and owners of small plots.

I want to note that fertilizer can not only increase productivity, but also improve the taste of the crops grown, improve their appearance, which is especially important for farmers selling their products. Thus, it can be stated that 4K biofertilizer optimizes the resulting product in all respects.

The drug has been repeatedly tested in specialized scientific institutes, each time proving its phenomenal properties. Without exaggeration, 4K biofertilizer is the pride of our agricultural science. It is noteworthy that many foreign agricultural producers are interested in acquiring 4K, however, at present, there is a ban on the export of this biological fertilizer by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Today, it can be purchased without any restrictions by our citizens at a minimum cost of 1 ruble.

Journalist: Mikhail Valerievich, could you explain what is the secret of such a high effectiveness of the new drug?

Professor Chursin: Fertilizer operates on a new principle. When using it, useful elements are not introduced into the soil, which is done by using traditional mineral and complex fertilizers. The principle of operation of 4K is based on increasing the digestibility of elements present in the soil by plants.

Scientific studies have shown that in addition to the trace elements contained in the soil, the yield is affected by the presence of special microorganisms and bacteria that optimize complex chemical compounds for entering the root system. These microorganisms enveloping the roots of plants, initiating symbiosis.

Thus, an increase in the number of these microorganisms can significantly increase their activity, which leads to an increase in productivity and other indicators. If you try to briefly characterize the drug, it, in fact, is an enhanced concentrate of flacteria.

Journalist: However, a similar exposure algorithm is implemented in well-known peat fertilizers and humus.

Professor Chursin: Yes, in principle, the algorithm is the same. However, for processing the fertile layer by traditional methods, a huge amount of fertilizer is required, which is often economically unprofitable. So, to fertilize the same area, the 4K preparation will need 10 times less than peat or biohumus. Obviously, the difference is very significant. Today, the purchase of 4K fertilizer is available to almost any owner of a land plot, under the current Federal program it can be purchased for a nominal price of 1 ruble.

Journalist: Dear Professor, could you explain in more detail where and how to purchase biofertilizer, which is implemented as part of the program. For what period is the action of the Federal Program?

Professor Chursin: Everything is quite simple. If you want to purchase the drug under the terms of the “To Help 2017 Landowners” program, you need to fill out an appropriate application on the official resource. Payment and delivery of biofertilizers is carried out by mail.

To date, over a hundred thousand landowners have already acquired and tested our new drug, and we receive rave reviews almost daily. This is a clear indication that 4K is really very effective, and at the same time, an inexpensive drug that allows you to achieve phenomenal results in the shortest possible time.

Perhaps you will be interested in an article about the equally effective BioGrow fertilizer, as well as watching a video about the results of its application in practice in interviews with farmers and agronomists Bioactivator Biogrow to stimulate the growth of all types of plants.

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Editor in Chief Obzoroff, a professional specialist in the field of medicine, cosmetology and dietetics. Writes and summarizes material written by medical practitioners.

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Project Manager Obzoroff He is a co-author of many articles on health and modern methods of treating common diseases, written together with experienced practitioners, whose biographies are located on the authors page.

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